COPING WITH DECEPTION APPROACHES Dear friends , This week’s - TopicsExpress


COPING WITH DECEPTION APPROACHES Dear friends , This week’s Parsha features a study into the harsh reality of coping with deception…Our Forefather Yaakov was faced with it in dealing with his father-in-law Lava, and most all of us are faced with it in our own lives at sometime or another…so we will explore some aspects of the coping with deception. Blessings, Yitzchak 1. MIRRORING THE DECEIVER King David [in the 2nd Book of Shmuel Ch. 22, verses 26-27] teaches this mirroring -principle stating, With a righteous person, be righteous...with a tam, be a tam...with a pure person, be pure...and with a crooked person, be crooked. Carry this approach out by simply mirroring ….Be very very careful not to fall into the trap of becoming a deceiver yourself…Hold onto your inner purity in all situations that you find yourself in 2. LIVING IN A HIGHER REALM Heres a simple tool thats do-able and with a lot of persistence, can truly help you to see a world thats unified and rectifiable, and allows you the ability to cope with some of the toughest people and challenges. Youve possibly heard me at previous times bring this tool, but I bring it again because its application at this point is very appropriate. Its called the Mikve Tool, and heres what you do: Simply dunk yourself into a real or imagined body of water. While dunking, say to yourself, that all thats recently happened to you is the best possible thing in the world for you. Then bring up into your mind a specific negative or painful experience that you have had recently. Come up for air and then dunk again and say to yourself that the reason why this experience is the best possible thing that couldve happened to you, is because________ and wait for an answer to come in to your mind. The answer usually has something to do with the rectification of your personality or soul, such as a need to be more humble, loving, believing...etc... 3. BE A RADICAL TAM IN THE FACE OF DECEPTION ****The point here, is that ones t-a-m ness will draw down a Divine-based-protective-force-field, and sometimes will even transform the deceiver into becoming a bit of a tam also...Anyway heres a few basic steps in Tam-ing; A. Be radically authentic-----what you express on the outside, should be a reflection of what you feel on the inside... B. Be radically happy with your lot. C. Make HOLY SIMPLICITY your primal value and ‘Modus operandi’ in life....this includes all areas of life; how you interact with people, with Hashem and with life itself...[Dont forget what the Breslov Chassidim are fond of saying, its not simple to be simple! And dont forget what the Kabbalists are fond of saying Simplicity is in the highest Sefirotic realm of KETER].... 4. LEVERAGING A. Identify your strongest points. For example, you may be and feel outstanding in the realm of spirituality or learning or emoting or being creative or getting results... B. Leverage or utilize this strong point[s] of yours when you are in the heat of an encounter with a deceptive person [rather than having to distance yourself from them].... C. For example, if youre a lover of wisdom, impress upon the deceptive one how fascinated you are by their depth and breadth of wisdom. Hopefully this will steer them away from feeling challenged by you and therefore needing to deceive you... 5. ESCAPE Escape when you need to escape in order to protect yourself. Get a good lawyer if necessary. Included in this escape clause is the ability to not allow the deceiver to trap you into an abusive type of relationship or dynamic that they themself created, in order to always keep you defensive and under their control....
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 21:32:51 +0000

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