COSMIC VOICES GRAMY J DOES US ALL A SOLID...Thank so much for - TopicsExpress


COSMIC VOICES GRAMY J DOES US ALL A SOLID...Thank so much for posting this video on your timeline Gramy J. This is a very important 4 minute video for us to study because: there are tons of Cabal and Grey agendas going on in it that we all need to start being able to recognize... cabal created manchurian candidate shooters and sh** stirrirs created to fan flames of racism against Islam; left versus right (cabal owns both parties and manipulates them against each other) fanning flames of hatred against both conservatives versus liberals AND gun rights supporters versus gun control supporters, AND to top it all off it is spun as if it is UNamerican to NOT divide ourselves up and hate each other for holding a particular opinion which many of us have been programmed into to holding in the first place. This piece is a Grey agenda divide-and-conquer piece right down the line in my opinion. Firewall is the name of this organizations news and is aptly named as it fans the flames of hatred and division between us all which is a time honored Grey favorite!!! These things do need to be brought out, but not in an inflammatory way that encourages us to just hate the crap out of each other. This is cabal manipulation and has Greys written all over it in my opinion. Thanks for the heads up Gramy! The more that we can bring these up for study, the easier they will be to recognize, and put them in their proper perspective! Kudos!!! And here is Khylas (ET from Procyon who is the current head of Procyon Intelligence here with our liberation forces) description of exactly how the Greys go about doing this because they did it on Procyon and have been doing it here, and they REALLY ramped it up in the 80s which is when we had multiple cabal/grey screaming hateful talk show hosts first pop up... Khyla says, “If you were a highly advanced culture about to invade a relatively primitive culture, you would not do it with a flourish of ships showing up in the heavens, and take the risk of being fired upon. That’s the type of warfare less evolved mortals would get into. You would begin by creating intense confusion, with only Inferences of your presence, Inferences which cause controversial disagreement; You would go to the most secret and powerful organizations within the society. In the case of the United States, you would infiltrate the CIA, and through the use of techniques unknown to them, you would take over some of the key people in their inmost core group. You would proceed in the same fashion to take over key members of the KGB. You would also create great dissension among the public at large, some individuals and groups insisting that they have seen UFOs, others insisting with equal vehemence that such a thing is not possible, and that they are either liars or deluded. You would involve the planet’s two major nations in an on-going idiotic philosophical dispute, keeping them constantly at each other’s throats over such questions as whether Thomas Jefferson was greater than Karl Marx or vice-versa. You would keep them continuously occupied with quarreling like two adolescent boys trying to prove their masculinity over who has which piece of territory, whether one has the right to invade Afghanistan or the other has the right to invade Nicaragua, persistently exchanging threats and insults like a couple of macho teen-agers, while arguing whether one should dismantle one type of nuclear warhead, or the other should dismantle another type of nuclear warhead. As you watched all this, you would sit back and you would laugh. If you had the capacity to laugh. You would make yourselves known to various elite in groups, who would offer you protection out of greed, expecting to acquire more perfect knowledge than anyone else on the planet of this ultimate secret to end all secrets. They would covet you, and you would trust their covetousness and their crass stupidity to trap them. You would do it on both sides of the Iron Curtain. You would occasionally let your ships be seen by some of the ordinary citizens, so that the elite governmental groups would become Involved in attempts to keep them quiet, clumsily squelching attempts to make information about UFO activity public. This would result in the mass population losing confidence in the veracity of their elected officials. There would be constant arguments between the authorities and the public as to whether or not the persistently reported phenomena genuinely existed, thereby setting the population and the government at each other’s throats. You would have already set the two major superpowers at each other’s throats. By subtly causing economic turmoil, you would set the “Haves”and the “Have Nots” at each other’s throats. In all possible ways, you would plant the seeds of massive discontent. After you had manipulated the population to the point where your covert control over it was complete, you might decide to go overt, and let a few ships land in public. But you would not go from covert to overt until you were sure of the totality of your control. You would start doing cross-breeds, escalating the process to the maximum from generation to generation. As the process continued, you would begin to have more and more creatures walking around who were obviously hybrids between the Grays and humans. Perhaps in a century or two, some of the Grays would begin to physically Intermingle with Earthlings. But for the time being, anything that walks around will at least look as if it is human. This arrangement is simpler, because it keeps mass panic to a minimum. The Grays would not be at all reluctant to change their appearance. In comparison with most of the other space races, they are considered rather repulsive. They are interbreeding with humans on an ever-increasing scale, and there are going to be a lot more three-month interrupted pregnancies. Those who have experienced UFO sightings or ET close encounters will constantly be at odds with the government, which will continue to retaliate by stigmatizing them as liars or deluded. The U.S. and the U.S.S.R. will continue to play their adolescent prestige games with nuclear weaponry. The impoverished will become even more impoverished, and more filled to overflowing with explosively righteous anger. The wealthy will cling even more greedily to the wealth that they already have, creating a social atmosphere of sheer desperation and complete confusion. To add to that, there will be series after series of “natural” disasters, some genuinely natural, some human-induced through aberrant scientific activities such as underground nuclear testing, others deliberately Induced by the Grays through the technology they are in possession of. When approximately three-quarters of the planet’s population has been eliminated in this fashion, the Grays can then make an overt appearance as saviors from the skies, distributing food and medicine to the survivors. As the survivors line up to receive their quotas of food and medicine. Implants will be Inserted, supposedly to aid in further food distribution, actually to guarantee complete Gray control with no possibility of rebellion. From the point of view of the Grays, terrestrial humanity will have been reduced to manageable numbers and to eternal submission. Humanity is not about to be invaded. Humanity is not in the middle of an invasion. Humanity has been invaded! The invasion has taken place, and Is nearly in its final stages. Great invasions do not happen with thundering smoke and nuclear weaponry. That is the mark of an immature society. Great Invasions happen in secrecy. You throw a crumb out here and there. You bribe the U.S. government with a few tidbits - a Stealth bomber, a Star Wars system. You encourage the government to think that the UFO researchers Indeed threaten the security of this great secret they have. You tempt and tease the Soviet Union with a laser system far finer than any their own scientists could think of. And you always keep that subtle Inference just on the borderline of consciousness that the elusive will-of-the-wisps termed UFOs may in fact exist, yet you persistently repress this borderline perception, and make it seem so Insane that there is a social stigma attached to declaring one’s conviction that the phenomena are in fact real. While all this confusion is going on, the Grays are gradually changing you over. The inner core of the CIA is deeply controlled by the Grays. The CIA see the Grays as a path to greater scientific achievement, as a way of overpowering the Soviet enemy, surprisingly enough, the obtuse collective mentality type that makes up the bulk of the CIA also makes up the bulk of the more fanatic Star People, those who babble and mush and gush so endlessly. All those who have to cleave to or be fused with some sort of group mentality leave themselves wide open. They have already been taken over. There is a large and ever-growing cult of contactees who think of the Grays as liberators, sincerely believing them to be heavenly Star Brothers who have come to help humanity. The reason the awful little Grays mutilate animals is the stuff that they eat. They eat pulverized hormonic secretions, what you would call subtle essences. They live on the stuff of life. There is something deathlike about their species. They always bring about the death of animation, the death of individuality. How do I know? I am a Blond of Procyon. We were a culture that could travel through time, but also lived on a planetary sphere. And the little Grays, our insidious little friends, did to us exactly what they are doing now to you. This is what happened to our planet. Having come in war, but having been unable to obtain any decisive victory, the Grays expressed the desire to make peace. We had not wanted to fight with the survivors of the Rigelian Great War to begin with, and gladly accepted their offer. As time went by, they said they wished to normalize relations and be our friends. We were in doubt as to whether it would be safe to trust them, and debated the Issue for a long time before finally deciding that we should trust them, as they were the only other surviving remnant of our original ancestral stock, though horribly deformed by the misfortunes they had endured. The Grays began to visit us, first a few as ambassadors, then as specialists In various domains where their expertise could be useful to us, as participants in different programs that developed which involved mutual collaboration, and finally as tourists. What had begun as a trickle became a flood, as they came in ever-increasing numbers, slowly but surely infiltrating our society at all levels, penetrating even the most secret of our elite power groups... The one secret that remained beyond their grasp, because the part of their intelligence that was capable of understanding its subtle complexities had atrophied during the nuclear winter that had caused the mutation of their species, was our ability to transcend time and travel through time. How then did we fail to foresee our own future, and the fatal mistake we were making when we first let them in? Just as on your planet they began by unobtrusively gaining control over key members of the CIA and KGB through techniques unknown to them, such as telepathic hypnosis that manipulates the reptilian levels of the brain, so on Procyon through the same techniques, whose existence we were not aware of either, from the start they established a kind of telepathic hypnotic control over our leaders. Over our leaders and over almost all of us, because it was as if we were under a spell that was leading us to our doom, as if we were being programmed by a type of ritual black magic that we did not realize existed. This is only an excerpt of the full article and Khylas full transmission. The full statement can be found at: Here is the fourish minute video that should be viewed and disected so that we can see the many agendas they like to run and how they pit people against each other. https://youtube/watch?v=hfaTIRYE8tM
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 18:12:47 +0000

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