CRACK DA CASE 31 Horus grabbed Osiris and ran out of the - TopicsExpress


CRACK DA CASE 31 Horus grabbed Osiris and ran out of the collapsing catacombs, and to a stairwell. Both of them were relieved that it led directly to a cover, and when they slid open the cover, water gushed in. Horus was soaked. Let me handle this, you saved me from that derp just now. Osiris conjured some mummy wrappings, forming into a small boat. The two boys sat down, and Osiris opened a big bottle of Coca Cola, emptied it in the Boats engine, and threw a mentos inside. To Horus amazement, the boat blasted out of the water like a rocket. Water rockets, he said, grinning. Genius, Horus said in awe. He hated the water, although his so-called Aunt was Nephthys, the river goddess. Soon, the rocket was going at a speed so fast that the two young gods had to cling onto it. I bet we look weird. Its not even Halloween and we look like pure shit. Horus commented, looking at his awkward attire, and bet he looked horrible in it with one, single, golden eye. But Osiris was far worse. Pharaonic beard, Green Skin, Ankh on forehead, silly hat, mummy wrap style thermal underwear and black robes. We look stupid. Forget it, lets transform back into humans. They turned back to normal- but this time, Persian/Horus was the one looking stupid. He lost a green eye. Great. Horus/Persian had only half of a regular persons field of vision, due to the loss of one eye. Osiris/Igor was persuading him to see Dr. Thoth, a renowned cosmetic surgeon/doctor/scientist/implantingsurgeon (or something). Sure. He had to see the birdie guy. The Ibis headed dude. After some convincing, Horus had finally decided to go to Dr. Thoth for help. Soon, a structure appeared, tall and covered in ancient hieroglyphs. An obelisk, Igor remarked, pointing at it. There must be a subway station for the Gods down there, the mummy wrappings turned into a submarine, before plunging down to a busy train station, and both Igor and Persian pulled out just the right thing to access the station- their ankhs. Unfortunately, Igor had to change into Osiris, and banged his forehead on the little sensor on the electronic gate. He had a terrible headache, unlike Persian, who could pull out an ankh. This stinks, Igor complained, turning back into himself and rubbing his sore forehead. Need any Tylenol? Persian offered a box of medication. Nope... It doesnt work for undead gods like me... Lets go down... I swear, I might get a blue-black on my forehead... I hit the sensor too hard... Should have used the crook and flail... Igor complained. An ethereal train, made of clouds, was approaching them. It travelled on a multicolored rainbow track. Why didnt we travel like this? We saw millions of obelisks before. Persian asked. Because there are many ways of transport. But nope, I wanted to troll the whole lot of them others by the gravity-vortex method. It is messy, but awesome. Igor replied. The two friends climbed aboard the train, which was rather empty, except for Wadjet, a snake-like lady, and her sister, Nekhbet, with a rather bird-like look. They were gossiping about the latest hit boyband, One Direction, and fangirling away. Id wish theyd shut up, Igor grumbled. Wadjet sounded too much like a snake and Nekhbet, an annoying vulture. Hes so hawt, Squawkina! Wadjet pointed at a good-looking male in a magazine. Hissette, hes cuter! Nekhbet pointed at another dude. This! That! Him! No, Another Guy! No! Yes! But the funny thing was... The two girls had different names? Squawkina and Hissette? Weird. Nekhbet was a tall woman with long, icy blonde hair. She had an extremely pale skin tone and wore a dress of feathers. A small diamond tiara sat on top of her head, and her large eyes were bright blue.On the other hand, Wadjet was the same height as her sister, shared the same hairstyle- just that it was flaming red, with a ruby diadem sitting on it, an olive skin tone, and was clad in a red snakeskin gown. Were they twins or something? They acted the same- looked the same, liked the same things... Excuse me, Miss, have you heard of this guy called Set? Persian tapped Nekhbet on the shoulder. I think youre Horus, right? Awww, youre that cutie who yes, slayed that guy with, oh, how brilliant- FROZEN SAUSAGES! Yes, Im your number one fan, so is my twin sister Wadjet- So they were twins. -And we WOULD LOVE to have your autograph- oh, Im sorry about your eye! Are you going to see Dr. Thoth? Hes SO awesome! By the way, I think you just broke into EAs secret catacombs with your friends- well done! Oh, and your friend- a girlish Anubis sorta told me that you and oh-another hottie! Osiris should meet everyone at her house- Isis just reincarnated a pet! Bird talk was long. And boring. Ooh, hesssss sssssssssso cute! Wadjet was hugging a pale-faced Igor, who barely showed Persian a Im okay signal. But he definitely wasnt okay. He was covered in the snake ladys kisses, paled out and breathless. Can we take a photo with you, pleassssssse? Wadjet asked, pulling out a phone. She pulled Igor next to her, and snapped a shot before he could say anything. Igor forced a smile, to be kind. It was an awkward scene. Nekhbet was no better. She pulled Persian by her side and took a photo with him, hugging him. Awkward commuters. They exchanged numbers with each other, and when Wisdom Brook Station was reached, Igor pulled Persian out of the train. Call me! The girls giggled. Its hard to be a famous god. At Wisdom Brook, there was where all the wise gods, sages, prodigies and geniuses resided. It was for the Wise. Igor re-used the mummy-wrapping submarine, and it turned into a car. He invited Persian in, and they took a drive. Intelligence Drive 18, Route 13... Turn left. Head North. Turn Right. Go to Genius Loop. Turn Right to Prodigy Square. Head South-west. Go Left. Intelligence Drive 26, turn towards Drive 15, then left to Drive 18, Route 4. Turn Right. Head North-east. Intelligence Drive 18, Route 13. Destination Reached. A Global Positioning System read, and they hopped out of the car. They walked towards a silver and glass building, labeled Thoth and Co. Laboratory and Clinic. They rang the golden bell outside, with glass roses dangling down. A stocky little bird answered the door. It had long legs, a long beak and a small, feathery body. It wore a lab coat, and carried a clipboard. On its name tag, was its name Beaky. Beaky welcomed the visitors, and scanned Persian and Igors foreheads, looking into their brain with a golden probe. He walked off and soon returned with a tray of Persians favourite Iced Tea, and Igors favourite Hot Chocolate! He also muttered, Persian Horus. Here for a new eye. Igor Osiris. Accompanying patient. He told the guests to wait for 5 minutes, and soon, 5 minutes passed. The ibis waddled over, and led them to the Consultation room. A wise-looking man, with short, wavy brown hair, wearing a lab coat too, with big, nerdy glasses, holding a pen. Around him were shelves of books and more books, a big pen stand, and bottles of this and that- potions, amulets, medicine and herbs, you name it. Welcome! Im Dr. Thoth. I see, you are Mr. Horus and Mr. Osiris? Yes. Mr. Horus, I believe you lost an eye? Hold on a minute, please... Dr. Thoth searched his jars, and he took one out- full of silvery, luminous liquid. Liquid moon, he stated. He poured the substance in Persians eye socket- it stung a little, but after a few minutes, it settled, and Persian could see again. As a human, it appeared as his usual bright blue, but as a god... Nah, it was still silver. ~Admin Hermione
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 12:51:09 +0000

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