Campbell Newman - No Law and Lots of Disorder. FACT - A meth - TopicsExpress


Campbell Newman - No Law and Lots of Disorder. FACT - A meth addict has to steal constantly to feed his habit. The Premier of Queensland got elected on the Law n Order ticket. BUT Queenslands prisons are so crowded that thieves who should be behind bars are being released back onto the streets! So that is a fine message for drug addicts - even if they get caught they will be set free again to go around robbing homes. Honest citizens are being robbed again and again by Meth Addicts and The Police and the Courts can do nothing to stop them! As for the State Politicians both ALP and NLP who allowed this lawless situation to develop - they are worthy of nothing but complete contempt. One obvious solution is to stop prosecuting citizens who smoke marijuana. But that is not enough. I say, let the inmates on Manus and Nauru out on temporary visas and use those hell-holes to house Australias Meth thieves.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 06:29:13 +0000

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