Can we really believe that the is God ? And lets consider this - TopicsExpress


Can we really believe that the is God ? And lets consider this scientifical explanation........ 2nd law of thermodynamics states a closed system cannot become more organised or remain organised unless acted upon by an external agent. And my friend consider this fact , since the universe and life on earth are highly ordered and we can conclude that the must be an external agent which is the creator and 2nd fact the universe and the Earth seem to be specifically designed to support life. And life on Earth is a product of the creator and why do I say this? Practically all life on earth depends on energy from the sun. This energy travels through space as radiation. It comes to earth in a vast spectrum of wavelengths. The shortest are the lethal gamma rays, then comes X-rays, ultraviolet rays, visible light , infrared, micro-waves and the longest of all radio waves and our atmosphere blocks harmful radiation while allowing other needed radiation to reach earths surface and the is lot of scientific al evident that can doubted if someone can say they came by chance or by evolution but they prove that the is a creator and others they involve how our body organs function and proves the intelligence of the creator. Only a very narrow band of the vast spectrum of solar radiation is visible light, but light is vital for life. Plants need it to produce food, and we need light to see. The atmospheres special transparency to light cannot be a coincidence. Even more remarkable is the tiny amount of ultraviolet light that reaches the earths surface and some ultraviolet radiation are critical. We need a small amount of it on our skin to produce vitamin D, which is vital for bone health and evidently for protection from cancer and other diseases. However, too much of this particular radiation causes skin cancer and eye cataracts. In its natural state, the atmosphere allows only a tiny amount of this ultraviolet radiation to reach the earths surface and it is just the right amount. For me, that is evidence that someone designed earth to sustain life. And if u were in a position of doing a conclusion on the above mentioned matter, what would u say?
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 15:22:25 +0000

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