Can we talk about how Star Wars is essentially the history of Nazi - TopicsExpress


Can we talk about how Star Wars is essentially the history of Nazi Germany? Evidence A: Hitlers S.S. troops were called storm troopers. Evidence B: Those outfits in the last films? TOTALLY NAZI-ESQUE. Evidence C: Palpatine manipulated the galactic senate, became Chancellor during a time of political crisis due to his persuasive oratorical skills, headed the Separatists, who helped tear apart the Republic, and transferred all of the senates executive powers to himself. Furthermore, under the premise of galactic peace, he authorized the creation of the Death Star and had Dooku secretly preparing for war on Geonosis. Sound familiar? PALPATINE IS HITLER. Evidence D: Palpatine ordered his clone armies to exterminate the Jedi because he felt politically threatened by them. Evidence E: Star destroyers look a heck of a lot like German battleships. Evidence F: Hitler, I mean Palpatine, indoctrinated youth AKA Anakin. Evidence G: This is theoretical, but the Death Star could almost represent pre-World War II Germany, a super weapon being secretly constructed and then reconstructed by Palpatine and his cronies that would become, as they hoped, a superpower with the entire galaxy at its mercy. Yeah. Theyre totally connected.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 05:53:13 +0000

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