Captain Planet - TopicsExpress


Captain Planet This is really funny --> Hollywood needs AMERICA to save the world... we only need Vijayakant. Indian movies will always be an eye opener. And heres why! Here is a story of Vijaykants (Local Famous Tamil Hero) next (Tamil) movie. It is named Captain Planet(WOW !!! where do they get these names??). Vijaykant is a scientist in NASA.......( yes folks..........u read that right. NASA...the American space lab- A very big set designed for this by kalaipuli S.Dhaanu, fully stocked with machines with hundreds of flashing buttons and cardboard cum aluminium foil rockets). When our hero is busy launching a satellite to Pluto, his wife simran is about to deliver a baby and wants to meet him. But the launch process badly need a person like our hero, and there is no other option. Senior scientist Radha asks him to stay back till it is launched. Our commited hero successfully launches the satellite, and comes back home on a horse (where have all the planes, cars, etc gone.??....:)), but alas! his wife, meanwhile dies in childbirth. In the meanwhile, other scientists at NASA claim that theyre responsible for the launch and dont recognise Vijaykanth and his work. He resigns from his job there and comes back to india with his family and they all get down to leading a peaceful life. Days go by until...... One day, the scientists, to their surprise find that SUN is closing the gap between itself and EARTH slowly and after a while, will BURN the earth to ashes.. All the scientists are working on saving the EARTH.. Thats when they realize that only THE HERO (Vijaykanth) can do it... They visit India and tell him the facts and Vijaykant returns to NASA to save the EARTH...After a lot of research,Vijaykant invents an instrument that will deflect the SUN from its collision path with EARTH.. All the scientist are very happy and appreciate Vijaykanths invention. So finally Vijaykant is all set to go into the SPACE and save the earth. He and his crew of one (Chandra sekhar, a prisoner in Vellore Jail, has been choosen by our hero because nobody in US army can do that job)travel in an spacecraft towards the SUN. They move out of earths atmosphere and are finally in space. Vijaykant emerges from the spacecraft and stands on the wings of the spacecraft, takes out the instrument and waves it in the direction of the SUN..... Panic!!! The instrument does not work... The terrorists have deactivated it !!!(Since they seem to be ahead of us in terms of planning, infrastructure and technology, will it be such a bad deal if they win?) All the scientists are worried back at the base on the earth.....tension mounts up (as does the shrill music).......... SUN closes in on the spacecraft............. Climax - When the SUN floats past the spacescraft, VIJAYKANTH plants one leg firmly on the spacecraft, turns back, and ninja style, kicks the SUN back with tremendous force.. and jumps back into the spacecraft.... The SUN is deflected away from its path to EARTH!!!!!!!!!!! EARTH has been SAVED... He waves the Indian flag (freely available on all spacecrafts) and they return to earth! The End (a happy one of course!) Wonder what the scriptwriter was smoking when he came up with this
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 15:55:46 +0000

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