Carnegie even states “We endorse the proposition, advanced by - TopicsExpress


Carnegie even states “We endorse the proposition, advanced by David Coleman and Jason Zimba in a 2007 memorandum to the Commission.” From here Common Core was born. The Carnegie report has nothing to do with solving the achievement problems in math and sciences. It should be noted the left wing background of David Coleman is well documented. Therefore, the compassionate sounding euphemisms of Coleman and Zimba to increase academic achievement should be ignored. What is important is the ideological underpinnings they laid out which Common Core is based on. The following excerpts from the reports state the Progressive vision of Common Core. While reading, ask yourself a simple question: what does this have to do with increasing achievement in math or science education? In addition, pay close attention to the words used (underlined emphasis mine) as they are indicative of the true intent of Common Core’s mission. “OBJECTIVES: Mobilize the nation for excellence and equity in mathematics and science education.” Equity in math does not mean 1+1=2, or a system where all children have the opportunity to learn how to add. Common Core is about equality of results, not the results or quality of results. “The United States needs an educated young citizenry with the capacity to contribute to and gain from the country’s future productivity, understand policy choices, and participate in building a sustainable future. The Commission’s own survey research suggests that America’s young people care deeply about problems such as global warming, world hunger, and poor health and want to be involved in solving them.” What does understanding Progressive policy choices and promoting environmentalist concepts like global warming and sustainability have to do with learning that 2×7=14? Common Core turns math class into a place for children to become activists and “solve” social problems liberals deem important? “Close the gaps in opportunity that too often divide American students along lines of race, ethnicity, and socio-economic background.” Common Core is not about teaching 10÷5=2, it is about settling scores as it sees the world through the lens of race, class, and gender victimhood. “GOAL: A U.S. EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM ALIGNED FOR PERFORMANCE The current educational system is seriously misaligned. Relatively few American students attend schools where all the major components—curriculum, teaching, and school design—line up to serve all students well. The Commission therefore urges coordinated action to bring the major components of our national educational infrastructure into alignment: standards and assessments, which guide schools in curriculum decisions; teaching, professional learning, and human capital management; and school and system design. Beyond the gross assumptions offered, Common Core believes the education system is unfair at best and discriminates at worst. Their solution is to nationalize education so elites can direct bureaucratic inefficiencies as well as control the content via testing tied to evaluations. Most troubling, Common Core’s desire for “human capital management” is a dangerous and contemptible idea that is aligned with every mass tragedy in recorded history. “Excellent, relevant math and science learning should be understood as a public good and an entitlement—one that is not being realized for too many of our students.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 16:08:49 +0000

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