Catherine de Medici APRIL 6, 1933 Councils Medium. Thank - TopicsExpress


Catherine de Medici APRIL 6, 1933 Councils Medium. Thank you, brothers, that you have allowed me to come and feel a moment of expansion, which is certainly not a punishment, or be in penance in hell, or purgatory unable to leave; and understand that it is not allowed us to walk and run all over the place before we have been so familiar, and that is precisely labor of love to avoid unpleasant moments and those moments of pain. But the despair that exists in us, not despair of good lost and unable to enjoy those sunny days and placid nights, this progress that you have achieved in the positive sciences, nor the inability to enjoy the city and its palaces, or the beauty and campaign site, no; but is the pain of consciousness that resembles a fait accompli; performing the work of evil. Ah! Brothers of the earth! If you wanted and could ye understand how the law works ... Why are not the old days!; are no longer the old days; is no longer the period of time they were when I acted on earth. Today you have the example in the Spiritism Light and Truth, which drew the veil, that men were known to themselves and love their brothers; but men, instead of becoming light, try to remain blind and accomplices of religion and spiritualism, they become in their evil deeds. The hour of justice has rung, and those who have such great faults, have to suffer the rigors of a primitive world. But this wave of justice and the hell of Dante described by him, is a pale reflection, very pale, with regard to the suffering you have to go there. And it is because this wave of suffering, born from the storm of consciousness, sensitivity aching soul, in the suffering of spiritual consciousness, the pain of the spirit that is full of evils and which is found despite its dark. Ah! If they could, if they wanted to hear the men on earth, I would say: Do you think perhaps that because the trial was made mankind on earth, and youre free? You who know this fact, this act of justice, as men and spirit, and fulfill the law, happy to you; but the fact is that no one can plead ignorance, because everyone, absolutely everyone, know him as spirits. But whats even men still time to circumvent the law so long as the mocked think? Do they even still can be accommodated through the confusion? Do you believe that there is still a place, a dwelling and a God in the supreme hour, still seeking to stop the course of justice? Do not they understand that only love that God may grant an extension, and that extension is over, because that love and justice is tiring, day in and day before the perversity of men and arrives an hour that hopelessly fall everything should fall, at one stroke, quickly, desperately, loudly, nothing will stop? Ah, men on earth! Brothers of planet earth! Do you think that the primitive worlds already filled and are filled and refilled only with justice those who sent in the first place? Do you not remember what the prophet said: My Fathers house has many mansions? I tell you that in those mansions still much room for many sites that are waiting for those wanting to follow; but know that in every cave, every cave, there are thousands of asps and each tree is full of vermin as hives, and all that is waiting for those who are carving their abode to go to those places. But do not think thats just a moment of despair and mourning, no. I wish I could describe to you all the pain, all the despair, all the bitterness of spirit. I wish I could describe to all the suffering and all the tortures of the soul. Ah! And how to describe to the discussion of bodies, hatred against hatred, impelled, increased by the same despair? Ah! If you could make your material eyes could contemplate and understand the whole extent of its horrors, and do not ocultaseis behind barriers that religious fanaticism left among you! Do not you conceal yourselves behind; do not be deaf to not hear; do not be the century of those who refuse to see the light; ye all of the calls of the Father, and ye all of the first to have answered the first hint. Let each of you be able to aid, strut, a hold for big, pure and only cause. The primitive worlds of which I speak, how they taste of beings belong to this world, because they never hear the voice of conscience, nor the rumbling voice of the inspirations! So everything is complementing the rule of law, fulfilling beings, for that chain is conjunction of beings, facts and all events that are chained together. Ah! Brothers of the earth! How I wish, again, to describe to you the horror and all the pain of the spirit of primitive worlds! How I would have so much erudition to describe to all the horrors and all the pain the spirit to those horrendous caverns where thousands of monsters and the most ferocious beasts nest! But Ive come a time when the planet earth and seen that are no less monsters that us men who inhabit it. Because there among us, it is meat that speaks to the flesh, is man against man; but alas! Among you there is something bigger, because it is the consciousness that speaks to the conscience is the voice of reason telling the truth: the man conscious of his actions pushed by brute force; He is the man who does not meet the mandates of the Supreme Law; and ... horror! He is the man, in short, trying to stop progress! ... Ah! Who could, brothers, who could describe to you the horror of primitive worlds! Who could point out to you with accurate view with true orientation, lest ye were wrong! But this orientation the have in your teaching of this school, that I arrived in time to spare you those horrors, but will be more guilty. I repeat; in each rock is a cave and cavern thousands of asps each and other beasts. You see what state are primitive worlds, and unlike so great men of planet earth situation; and yet men of planet earth are challenging to justice, leading to the Supreme Law, and saying it already knew a sister who ignore the principles, teachings and knowledge that the Supreme Truth came to bring. You who are aware and scholars gather the teachings and save them to teach men in the appointed time for everyone to wake up and can recognize which must fulfill a mission entrusted by his spiritual progress and all the brothers with ease better understood and thus be safe from this painful trance. No words to describe how terrible moments of hate or find phrases to express it; to expand the soul, giving you all a loving notice how sad, bleak and horrible those dwellings, those terrible worlds of hatred, where the involved hates involved; where love is hateful; where the phenomenon of the Scorpion, who devours the male after conception occurs. What more could I say? How to describe to you the horror and suffering and what is behind what I have described? Ah! How much better not to be born! Ah! Who could just stop being! Who could boot from memory everything that happened and everything was! And how painful is that memory! Ah! Who could forget! Who could boot file the executed work spirit! The Catholic Church spoke of hell; speak of purgatory and those souls who continually burned and discussed in despair; of those who claim; those who know they are eternally damned. How do you say that? Ah! Is that they knew, they know perfectly and have knowledge of what had denied; survival of the spirit. Those pretext obey the commands of Moses, saying flee the Spiritualism. But those know that progress advances; and his executioners, the men, not only do the works for the love of progress itself, but by the spirit of curiosity that all beings have. And see here how this progress and justice have indicated that further progress, another way; the true justice and human brotherhood. That never, my brethren, ye may these worlds where we are! What else I can say? And as our salutation is otherwise only I will tell you who are attached to each other, always together, so that you may ever larger and larger; I tell you, brothers, but above all you have in your works the very concept of justice. Peace and love have. (Maestro). -For The story write your name, sister; as this statement made by you weigh much on the plate of BALANCE. (Comunicante). Its that we also know that in the history of life, are listed men who passed as popes, bishops and saints, but those who have passed as wise, and sadly remember the men who went with names of criminals. (Maestro). Sister, history needs of those names, good or bad, and men need of that name, because when a man of history puts a brick, or say a word, any muses. Im not the one who needs it: is yourself. Do you think it weighs little BALANCE your statement? ... (Comunicante). Do not what they can weigh BALANCE; I only know that it is labor of love warn others to avoid the danger to never fall, never fall any of you, and above all, never tell others: That spirit, how ignorant is. Moreover, to serve notice; this my loving advice, for those who fall najo the weight of crimes and vices, there are more terrible still primitive worlds, paw those who act knowingly, because there feels and knows everything, everything, everything .. . Good night. Catherine de Medici. Shorthand text of S. Severi and M. Muñoz. By faithful translation V ° B ° Joaquín Trincado (signature) José Echegaray APRIL 16 193. For the Medium Luisa Diaz. Good afternoon, brothers, peace and love be with you. There was another brother who wanted to take possession, not because he wanted to, but because Justice wills it. He was the brother Beau. (Maestro). Not lacking occasion. (Comunicante). -Firstly, Because it is still a bit,
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 10:32:11 +0000

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