Certain groups attempt to sell state resources to private sector - - TopicsExpress


Certain groups attempt to sell state resources to private sector - President President Mahinda Rajapaksa today said that certain groups are attempting to sell the state resources to the private sector. Addressing a public rally at the Serunuwara Pradeshiya Sabha grounds in Trincomalee, the President said the some were preparing blue prints to sell to the private sector state resources including the harbor, the airport, power and highways that the Government built. Speaking at another public rally in Kinniya, the President said he has fulfilled the pledges given to the masses, according to their wishes. Campaigning in the Eastern Province today(20), the President also addressed public rallies in Kattankudy and Batticaloa. At these public rallies recalling how the LTTE chased away the Muslim people from the East, the President noted that the government has resettled the displaced in their original places of residences and restored the infrastructure facilities that were destroyed by the LTTE. The government has also taken measures to re-establish the religious and social freedom by reconstructing Mosques, he told the people.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 05:50:10 +0000

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