Chapter 2 The Trip To America - TopicsExpress


Chapter 2 The Trip To America In the early morning on December 23, 1965. The family was waiting for the cars to take them to the Palermo airport for a long trip to America. The cars arrived right on time and then the excitement began for Gino. Nino family home located on a hill overlooking the town of Carini. On the way to the airport, the car most goes true the town Piazza. “ Santa Caterina” The Catholic Church stood. An in the middle of the piazza stood the beautiful fountain that ran cold water all day long. The piazza of Carini is where the men gathered to hang out to discuss they family business. There was coffee shops around the piazza, and the man was sitting outdoors at the many cafes. As the car passes the piazza now comes the Via Castello, the Castello was historical castle from the 16th century. There was a legend or a true story of the Duchess of Carini. She was in love with another noble boy from another family, and her family did not approve of their relationship, and the Duchess killed herself much like the story of Romeo and Juliet. On the right-hand side was the school where Gino attended, the name of the school Collegio DI Maria. Driving Down the hill the cars pass the “Municipio” the cities Town Hall! Continuing down the hill, you can sees the view of Mediterranean Sea where the fisherman families fished for a living. Gino swam with his friends, went boat riding with his brothers and father. Wondering and asking himself if ever going to be happy in America. Gino wondered if he would ever come back to his hometown of Carini again. Riding along the highway in the early morning, Gino watched the countryside. And saw the homes spread out on the hills in the open country, the cows and sheep feeding off the land, along the Mediteraniun Sea there were fishing boats on the beach and in the sea. They arrive at the Palermo airport; There families said goodbye to each others. There was a large family member there to say their goodbyes. All family went thru the process of boarding; this was their first time set foot on a plane. It was exciting and scary at the same time, especially when the plane started to take off. They were on the way to their first stop in Rome airport. The flight took an hour from Palermo to Rome. There in Rome they waited two hours before they boarded the Alitalia airline for their long trip to JFK airport America. The flight took about seven hours to reach American soil. Later that afternoon, I saw land, looking out of an airplane window, it was already dark. As Flight 747 started to descend, looking out the window Gino saw different color lights red, white and blue the Empire State building, and all Manhattan with Christmas lights, it was magical it looked like a wonderland. Once the 747 landed on JFK airport, Nino and mother Tina were directed where to go pick up our luggage and go to through customs. Gino sees all different Ethnic groups from all over the world. His head was spinning; Gino did not know where to look first, they exit customs it took two hours to get through. Gino looked at Father Nino, and he said That is America. They exited the airport; taxi was waiting, They took one taxi to take them to Red Hook Brooklyn. The taxi drove thru the Belt Parkway. On the way to Brooklyn, they pass homes decorated with Christmas lights on both sides. In the distance, Gino saw the Verrazano Bridge. All lite up it was special, under the bridge there were cargo ships coming into the New York ports and Manhattan with all the tall buildings all lite up. As we kept on driving I saw in the middle of the ocean the Statue of Liberty also all lite up, she was a beautiful lady! A symbol of freedom. For all immigrants who came to America from all over the world. Kept on driving on the Belt Parkway to there new home 192 Union Street Brooklyn, Red Hook section, near the waterfront area. The taxi parked they got out it was a three-family apartment building. Across the street, Gino noticed police cars parked in front a blue building; it was 76th Precinct. look down on his left sees the waterfront and the Statue of Liberty in the ocean. The apartment was on the top, a six-room floor. Gino didnt not like what he was seeing. That night they were very tired from a long trip, Gino didnt not said anything to his parent at the dinner table. He just went to bed.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 17:06:37 +0000

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