Chapter 29 promoting urinary elimination 1. Anuria=absence of - TopicsExpress


Chapter 29 promoting urinary elimination 1. Anuria=absence of urine - urinary suppression/retention. 2. Catheterization=insertion of a tube into a body channel or cavity. 3. Changes w/aging=decrease=functioning nephrons, filtration rate, bladder tone, bladder emptying (residual urine), hypertrophy of prostate. 4. Commode chair=a chair w/a container inserted to catch urine or feces. 5. Condom catheter=a condom w/a tube attached to the distal end that is attached to a drainage bag. 6. Coude=used when prostate is enlarged, it is stiff and end is elongated and curved w/a rounded or bulbous tip. 7. Credes maneuver=massage from top of bladder to bottom by starting above the pubic bone and rocking the palm of the hand steadily downward. 8. Cystitis=inflammation of the bladder; symptoms: frequency, urgency, dysuria, malaise, foul smell, slight temperature; causes: irritation from highly concentration urine, pathogenic bacteria, injury or instillation of an irritating substance, break in aseptic technique when inserting or caring for a catheter. 9. Dysuria=painful urination (causes: inflammation in the bladder or urethra, infection or trauma). 10. Glycosuria=glucose in the urine (causes: too much glucose in the blood (byperglycemia) or the renal threshold for glucose in lowered). 11. Hematuria=blood in the urine (causes: bleeding somewhere in teh urinary system). 12. Instillation=administration of liquid drop by drop. 13. Internal sphincter=involuntary muscle. 14. Ketonuria=ketones in the urine (causes:ketoacidosis or uncontrolled diabetes mellitus). 15. Kidneys=filter blood through the nephrons and metabolic wastes and excess warter are extracted, regulates electrolytes and assists in acid base balance. 16. KUB=xrays of=kidney, ureter, bladder. 17. Micturition=process of urination. 18. Midstream specimen=clean catch. 19. Minimum amount of urine expelled per day=600 ml/day. 20. Nocturia=need to void at night (more than 2x - deceased bladder tone. 21. Oliguria=low output of urine; output below 400ml in 24 hours (causes: kidney failure, blockage or urine or retention). 22. Overflow incontinence=poor contractility of the detrusor muscle of the bladder, obstruction of the urethra. 23. PH=slightly acidic 5.5-7 pm. 24. Polyuria=excessive production and elimination of urine. 25. Proteinuria=protein in the urine (causes: stress, infection, strenuous exercise or disorder of the glomeruli). 26. Pyuria=pus in the urine (cause: bacterial infection). 27. Reflex incontinence=caused by disorders of the neurologic system such as multiple sclerosis/spinal cord injury or stroke. 28. Residual urine=urine left in the bladder after urination. 29. Stress incontinence=urethral sphincter failure, associated w/increased intra-abdominal pressure occurring w/sneezing, laughing, coughing, aerobic exercise. 30. Stricture=narrowed lumen (channel w/in a tube). 31. Suprapubic=above the pubic bone (type of catheter), goes directly into the bladder, may be used for urine drainage folling gynecologic and bladder surgery, inserted through abdomen wall. 32. Ureters=hollow tubes connect each kidney to the bladder 33. Urethra=tube attached to the base of the bladder extending to the outside of the body via the urinary meatus. 34. Urinary incontinence= involuntary emission of urine from the body 35. Urinary retention=urine retained in the bladder after voiding. 36. Urination=expelling urine. 37. Urinometer=instrument that measures the specific gravity (thinness or thickness) of urine. 38. Urostomey=artificial opening on the abdomen through which urine drains. 39. Void=excrete urine.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 17:30:53 +0000

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