(Chapter 6 draft) …..... (Caty’s P.O.V) Josh Jordan - TopicsExpress


(Chapter 6 draft) …..... (Caty’s P.O.V) Josh Jordan and I all walked into the building the lady at the front desk got up and said follow me please shes expecting you we all looked at each other then followed her. She knocked on the door and opened it. Zach stood up so April I could sit. “Thanks Zach, Jordan you and Josh go sit in the lobby.” As you wish my dear he kissed me then walked away. He whispered in Zachs ear take care of my girl, then walked out. Who was that hunk? Jordan or Josh? The taller one. Oh thats Catys man Josh Creager her husband? No boyfriend the other one was my man Jordan Creager are you to married soon to be we are engaged I showed her my ring it was a Stirling silver with a purple crystal heart. What happened to the other ring? Caty asked me in a whisper. It got lost I like this one better any way. i whispered back as I admired the ring. how wonderful whens the wedding?? Not sure yet we know what day we want to have it on. Hes military Caty chimed in. Zach was sitting in the corner thinking of something was making my powers go a little haywire the sun was super bright. What are you thinking about I whispered you he replied not looking at me. Oh okay April what is you last name? June. Why? Cause I want to make you an author as well. Why, what have I written that is worth anything? Your poems what how do you know about them? Clouds rolled in as the confusion rose in side of me. “This!” she tossed my book at me. “How did you get- Caty you didnt” “yeah I did they need to be shone to the world” they are not that good Yes they are miss Holly said what? They are very good been reading them since you walked in here. Thank you so much but dont want to publish them yet, Im no good at writing them on the spot besides I only write them in my secret spot otherwise I can’t think or dream them up. Oh well where is this spot of yours? Far away I said as I thought about it looked out the small window there was a plant sitting next to it, oh you plant is dieing I can fix it if you wish. Oh Ive never been good with plants, What do you mean fix it? I can’t explain it just watch I closed my eyes and waved my hand in front of the plant. It bloomed back up and the dead leaves looked new again. The plant looked like new again. She jumped back in aw. Are you a witch no Im the spawn of two mythological creators mother nature and king Trident. her shock rocked my powers the sun and the clouds were fighting over the sky. My head began to spin I fell into Zachs lap. He caught me and cradled me in his lap. Oh snap Caty said she dug in her purse grabbed the tiny bottle of mouten dew and handed it to me. I drank it down in 1 gulp my eyes turned back to normal. Whats wrong with her? Both holly and Zach said at the same time. Her powers Zach can you please go get Jordan tell him code green. Okay he said He stood up and put me in the chair, then walked out and got Jordan, he came in and walked me out in the hall his touch calmed me more than the pop. He told me to stay then went back into the room and talked to Caty. I could hear them threw the door. Jordan asked what had set me off. She said she was not sure. He said I will get her out of here and asked if there was any place near by that was privet and quiet. The park Caty said okay meet us at the park later. May I come with you Zach asked yeah this way if this happens while Im away you can take care of her. They both came out the door. I kept my head down trying not to vomit. My powers where crazy today I dont understand it. I whispered threw my teeth. We walked out of the building, i bent over the meddel trash can in the street and puked. Jordan threw a 20 at Zach and said go in there and buy a two leader of Mtn. Dew he sat me on the curb my body was shaking bad Zach came back with the pop and handed it to Jordan he opened it for me and held it to my lips and said drink. I did and then the sky became calm as I chugged it down now lets get you to a quiet spot. We got to the park there was a gazebo he sat me down there as I finished the pop. I began to meditate my powers calmed down my body quit shaking sat as I closed my eyes my visions came to me in a flash (Jordans P.O.V) I walked out of earshot of April so that Zach and I could talk. I put my hand on his shoulder. My powers kicked in flashes of his passed lifes flashed in my head. his oria was strong My powers showed me his pass It takes me back when he was 5 years old .he was in a little red n yellow car driving around his yard, the dog was playing. then 3 more years go by, he is 8 years old he is on his ds playing pokemon . 5 years more go by, he is now 13. it is his 13 bday party ,he was camping n around a big bon fire making smors. now he is 16 n taking his driving test n pass it with flying colors. I then see how he has never found his bonded mate, he was always to late to marry her. Then the most powerful image of my April flashed in a wedding gown. Me and him both standing beside her he put the ring on her hand. Do you have a crush on my April. Its ok if you do, I have had a few close calls and I know I may not come back one day and Id like to know she will be taken care of. I am falling for her he admitted to me but I would never try to steal her from you. His eyes not meeting mine. This boy standing in front of me didnt look like he could handle my sweet April, at her worst. He was my last hope there was no one else she could love he was the only other bonded that I have met that had not found there mate, other than sunshine the menchine of his name pisses her off. he wont ever let me touch him anyway so i don’t really know his story. Its okay if you do I can teach you how to handle her when she is like this or worse. You do know what you are dont you? Oh you mean a bonded he asked in a hushed tone. Yes how did you know I was one thats my power I am Aprils bonded bodygard she is my backup mate .she is a spellchecker bonded she has 3 bonded mates me a guy named sunshine and you. Wait what? Ive never heard of that having more than one bonded mate yes I know but the way she was born the way she was abandon and found by a preacher who was a mermaid that chose to be humen. how do you know this? Im a knowing bonded thats my type, you on the other hand are a art bonded you where suppose to find my April, you are her one true mate not me. Her powers won’t let her see that. I can see that she is falling for you. No I dont see that at all I swear Im not trying to steal her. Dude you dont understand I want you to take her from me I want her to fall in love with you I want her happy and she can only be truly happy if she is with her one true bonded hold up you think thats me? April dont know about my powers no one dose. (Aprils P.O.V) my power told me they were hiding something from me. Oh nothing my love its okay I was telling him about my time over seas. Zach just shook his head in agreement. Feeling better? Zach asked me a few minuets later. Yeah I am a little dizzy but Im okay do you need to sit he asked Jordan ancered for me before I could she always gets dizzy after a bad episode like that its a head rush for her, just keep your arm around her wasted or her shoulders. You need to know how to take care of my beautiful April. While Im away. He kissed my cheek. We all walked down the the street together as we walked toured passed the building that we had left in a hurry cause of me. Caty and Josh came out holding hands he kissed her on the lips. Hey you’re feeling better the suns out. Yeah Im feeling a lot better I said with a smile. Life is almost grand she said kissing Josh again. Almost grand? We all asked Yeah it would be grand if my mom was here to share this with me “Cause its the first time Ive done something without her.” (Zachs P.O.V) I stand here looking at these new friends of mine. What the hell is going on in this world is what I used to ask until, I met April and her friends, my life started to make seance. I am a lonely child yeah I had 2 sisters tho, I felt alone in this world, it would never except me. My ex girlfriend always called me Dark wing angel, she never told me what it meant but April told me it meant Fallen angel my soul was lost. She said she can read my aria she told me it was powerful, colorful, blinding I still dont understand what that meant Caty a chick I dont even know yet she gives me my big break on my art work. Then theres Josh a nice guy. They all took me in as if Ive been there friend from preschool, Im at a loss for words. Her boyfriend, Jordan looked at me with wounder in his eyes, but I dont understand him he loves her with so much passion yet he tells me Im her true bonded mate Im so confused. His words ring in my head Im meant to be with her. shes my mate but don’t feel like im bond to her . I will be good to her , until she is mine I dont know if she likes me, but I will stay by her side n be a great friend to her . n I hope Jordan helps me in every way with April . Im her true love how can that be me? Something inside of me tells me he speaks the truth tho. Ive never had anyone but my ex girlfriend Muriel look at me like that. I know Im a bonded but I dont really understand how that comes into play with April. Her beauty compares to no other. “Zach,Zach” April said my name, “do you want to get something to eat or would you rather just go back to the hotel with me?” “Its up to you I dont care. Not really that hungry.” Jordan, Josh, and Caty are going out but Im wiped out, so I was just wondering if you wanted to hang with me or do you want to go out with them? I ll hang out with you if you want, I mean as long as Jordan dont mind. Her eyes lit up. The more I look at her the more I fall in love with her. My mind is foggy I dont know what to do. Jordan looked at me his blue eyes locked on mine, and said “its cool just keep a mtn dew on hand just encase.” Okay I said I took April back to the hotel, she sat in the chair with a blanket. She turned the tv on to MTV, Ridiculousness was on. April can I ask you something? Yeah what is it Zach? her eyes sparkled not leaving the TV. your powers how do they work? Witch of my powers do you want to know about all of them there fascinating I said trying to not to giggle. Well the weather changes with my mood and or the mood of the people in the room Im in, when Im mad the weather changes to rain, or snow when Im happy the sun comes out and the wind blows slowly, if Im confused and or concerned fog rolls in. the sun gos behind the clouds when Im with someone new or I make myself sad or if someone embarrass me. The plant one is limited to small house plants and I dont really know how it works, and my . . . . . she trailed off. what, your what? I cant tell you my last power besides you wouldn’t believe me anyway and if I tell a man Im not married to I will lose it. Oh dose Jordan know? Did you not hear what I said he can’t know until him and I have our wedding. Oh okay, I rolled over and acted like I was asleep, a few minuets went by I gess she saw. My mind raced with a lot of questions. sorry, I didnt mean to snap. My powers are different when Im with you she said in a whisper. She took a deep breath. Its okay I said “You dont need to say sorry.” I got up off the bed and walked over to her and sat on the arm of the chair. She just looked at me her eyes locked on mine she didnt say a word she sat up on her knees and kissed me on my lips. My lips parted slowly as I began to kiss her back. Sparks flew in my head as our lips touched. There was a lot of passion in her surprise kiss, it was hard to resist her. I wanted her so bad. I couldnt do that to Jordan. I pushed her away slowly what are you doing? I asked even tho I knew. she just looked at me and said “I wanted to feel your lips on mine,” the clouds rolled in slowly. “Do you need an mtn dew.” Her kiss still burned on my lips. So much passion. I tasted her grape lip gloss on my lips. I looked at her worried the sun was hiding. No Im fine but the clouds? No that’s normal its when my powers cant make up what mood Im in thats when I need the pop and the quiet. her phone rang right then she picked it up baby Im okay someone nearby got upset I could feel it Im fine, no baby dont come home its okay love you too tlnd. by is everything okay? I asked her yeah ill be okay why did you really kiss me? I know you are falling for me and Im kinda falling for you too she said hiding her face in the blanket she had draped around her. I started to blush, as I looked at her, the sun came out full rays. She reached over and kissed me again, this time I let her we kissed for what felt like hours. This kiss was more intense than the last one. She pushed me away slowly and took a deep breath. I sat there stunned in the suns rays she looked like a goddess, her hair was radiant, her body was glowing, her eyes looked like she was looking right into my soul. I had never seen a women more beautiful. Her body flowed across the floor passed me. May I ask you something? Of course I said I know you are in love with me, is that why you let me kiss this time? I was raised to never steal someone girlfriend but you are irresistible, I said not taking my eyes off her. The sunlight seemed to follow her as she walked the room. She laughed. Oh even if the girl and the guy say its okay. She tried to kiss me again. I gess my facile expression said to much. She walked out to the balcony and stared at pool. I walked out behind her she grabbed my hand something in between them, it was a small blue stone necklaces “This can tell you my power even if I cant” she said not looking at me I put the stone around my neck what do you mean? I can give my dreams and visions away to others I have to trap them in smooth stones. Then I can give them away. You see I dabble in witchcraft plus my birth mom and dad gave me powers as well. I dont want overwhelm you but this will explane a lot. I know Jordan is training you to be mine just in case he dont come back from the war. She looked at me with those eyes of hers. She only new half the story tho. I thought to myself. She put her head on my shoulder. I kissed her forehead, and rapted my arm around her in a hug. I dropped my arms as soon as I saw him. Jordan came in wright then he walked up behind her and said havent been waiting long I hope She turned around and said Id wait forever for you. She kissed him then said look at the sunset. She pulled him in to her. I started to walk away she got me by the arm and said watch with us. Oh I dont want to be the third wheel. Your not, you make my angel happy and anybody who can do that is not a third wheel unless her and I are wanting to do our own thing. Jordan told me. I said you to need to be alone ill just go back inside. Okay I fell asleep on the bed. I had a dream of her in a field she jumped into a stream a tail was where her feet should have been. This must have been the thing she couldnt tell me about. Shes a mermaid. (April P.O.V) How was dinner I asked as Zach left the balcony. He looked at me and said it was good I brought you home a huge milk shake. He left then returned with the milk shake. I sucked it down it was my favorite Cheery cheese cake. Thanks baby. We lay in bed and watched the newest Fast and furious 6. It was awesome. I glanced over at Zach before I fell asleep in my mans arms so peaceful. (Jordans P.O.V.) me caty and Josh all went n got some hot dogs from sonic i looked up at the sky i always do this when ever her and i are away from each other she seemed happy for now. we finished our dogsi asked for the bigest to go milkshake they had, we all left, they wanted to be alone so i woundered off to the park a duck was chasing a young child. i laughed a little then threw it some bread crumbs. i looked back up at the sky something had upset her so i whipt out my phone and called her. are u okay? do you need me? im alone i can come home. okay baby be safe tlnd. i stayed in the park and watched the street performers then walked back to the hotel unlocked the door and went inside zach was holding her as soon he heard me come in he dropped his arms. ….. while we were out of on the watching the sun set. She turned to me and said I kissed him please dont get mad. She stared at me waiting for me to get angry. “Baby I forgive you. I understand your drawn to him, he has been here, you have been with out me for so long. You want companionship that I cant provide, its okay.” she looked at me in shock, you dont care I kissed him twice? Did he kiss you back? The first time not the first time, the second time he did, I took him by surprise both times. Its fine baby I understand just tell me why? I said I looked in his eyes my powers seem stronger and more controllable with him. He was sitting on the arm of the chair. Before I realized what happened I had my lips locked with his. Something inside me wanted him so bad. I cant tell you why I did. Okay I understand baby deep down inside I was fuming pissed but I cant let her get angry. When she gets angry or sad hurricanes twisters and other natural detesters happen. She looked at me. Baby are you mad at me and him? No just a flash back to the war, my love. “Oh do you want me to take your dreams away and put them in a stone?” Yeah that would be good but not tonight. Dont you want to sleep, it only takes about an hour to do the spell. No baby your powers have done enough today you need to rest. Okay Im tired lets go to bed. She said as she finished her milk shake. I watch her asleep in my arms. Her powers stop when she falls asleep the world gos on, elemental goddess thats what she is. Why dose he get her. Why cant I have her. I have to let go so she can be happy. Life is not fare. I have to teach him everything I know about her. Too bad she dose not know what her true purpose is on Earth. In my past lives with April and I got married hand 3 wonderful kids. We ruled till after Jesus ranchers every one who was holy. Every one tells you that hell is a dark place with fire all around. Sorry to burst your bubble, hell is Earth well to be more specific the inner core of earth is where hell is located. So Earth is hell. She was Eve and Zach was Addams . All of the stuff that happened threw out history was her doing, the ice age was her getting mad at me. The mentor that wiped out the dinosaurs was her cause she got pissed at Sunshine his real name is Satin. He is always trying to make April fall in love with him but I always step in before he can. Romeo and Juliet was her and Zach they never got to be with each other. That was the closest they had ever gotten to be with each other. My true form is her body guard. She thinks her mother is the goddess of nature Mother nature, she is mother nature. She controls the weather and the small plant life rest of it falls to the fairys witch are the souls of the bonded. We who are bonded instead of going to the Streets of gold we stay on earth become fairys and other creators like the Griffin. Once she is married she calls upon it to to control the wind. (Zachs P.O.V) I woke up the next morning saw April was still asleep, Jordan was up moving around I got up hey Jordan can I talk to you? Is it about her kissing you last night? Yeah it is. I hung my head, he looked at me, putting his hand on my shoulder. There is no anger here bro so my lady kissed her one true bonded mate, he handed me a beer. “lets go down by the pool so we dont wake her.” I said Im in my swim trunks already he said go get in yours Im going to see if my brothers up yet. Okay, I said as I went and put my trunks on. I came out of the bathroom and saw April was still asleep she looked so peaceful. I went out to the pool Josh and Jordan were talking about me as I walked up. So did you kiss her back bro? Josh asked I did but I tried not to. Dude was it magic did you like it? I jumped in the water without answering them. I dont swim much, so I came up right away. Josh stared at me. And said ill take that as you enjoyed every bit of that kiss. I climbed out of the pool and sat on one of the lawn chair. Jordan looked at me and said, She is the best isnt she? Yeah she is what did you mean Im her one true mate how do you know that? Im a knowing bonded you are an art bonded I know all of your past with just a touch of my hand. But what dose that mean? It means I touch your hand or your shoulder I know everything you have done said and felt in your past you have never truly fell in love am I right? Yeah I never really have. Here comes our lady now Jordan said real low. Havent been waiting long I hope she said Jordan ran to her and said I would wait forever to see you again he swung her around and kissed her. She jumped in the pool her body glided threw the water like a knife threw butter, as she came up for air she looked like an angel. If Jordan is telling the truth Jordan had went back to there room. She sat next to me. Hey thanks for last night she said are you a mermaid? So you used the stone last night did you? Yeah it showed me your true form I gess remember you cant tell anyone. “No it showed you my secret I dont know what my true form looks like.” I won’t I promos. I said how is this different from telling me? Its okay to tell you this way because people can handle dreams better than showing them. They may panic and run if I show them. Dose it only happen when your in that field? Yes as far as I know. Oh okay your secret is safe with me thanks she said kissing me softly on the cheek. Caty yelled at April. Girl what are you doing kissing him? Oh girl he knows about me being mermaid she said in a low voice. I was asking him to keep my secret from Jordan. Oh okay sis I thought he was making you do it. I would never try anything like that I said to Caty as we got into the limo. She said I know I just worry about her thats all.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 03:57:43 +0000

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