Chapter One, The Doorway To Understanding - TopicsExpress


Chapter One, The Doorway To Understanding It is important to realize, in the logic inherent in the vernacular of olden times, that the horse goes before the cart in which case, since protons, neutrons and electrons that are constituent components of atoms, that are themselves elemental to the formation of all matter, had to have existed before the formation of any matter. Going one step further, the components of which protons, neutrons and electrons are made had to have existed before those particles elemental to atoms could have been made. Since the materials elemental to the creation of protons, neutrons and electrons are not visible or possessing discernible physical properties, identification and definition is dependent upon consideration of what properties would be required to produce the characteristics and behavior inherent in protons, neutrons and electrons. At this point old time logic says binding of elemental particles is a necessary ingredient in the formation of atoms and molecules and that the energy to produce binding is a fundamental component of creation. Applying the same logic to the practice of crashing neutrons and protons at near speed of light in an attempt to determine the components elemental to the assembly of matter is questionably useful. The residue of matter and energy produced by such collision are not necessarily the original elemental components. The process of assembly created new energy matter relationships that would be exposed in collision residue. This is evident by the fact that much of the residue is not stable, meaning unable to exist for even milliseconds before proceeding to annihilation. Old time logic dictates that the elements of creation, including the energy that produces binding, must be absolutely stand alone stable and must have existed in that form before creation began. Extensive research has established that neutrons and protons (with their electron) are 1,840 times more massive than an electron and that an electron size particle is ejected when a neutron is transformed into a proton. That leads to the conclusion that neutrons and protons are made through the assembly of electron size elemental particles. Based upon research work, 1,840 such particles for neutrons and 1,839 for protons. Neutrinos have been established as having the characteristics of electrons with the exception that elemental neutrinos are not charged. That drives the conclusion that neutrons are made of neutrinos whereas, as explained in Chapter Three, protons are made of the now separated affinity or attraction charges as its core or singularity surrounded by the repelling charges. Recognition that the energy that powers the behavior of created particles is a component now inherent in protons provides explanation for how the behavior of protons is sustained and that includes the re-radiation of Presence Energy in the form of lines of magnetic force. Electrons are the repelling charges taken from neutrinos by protons and used to encase the photons into lines of magnetic force. Stepping up to the vernacular of more “scientific” logic, when a pure “one of a kind” presence is added to a vacuum, the mechanism to produce a source of energy, in the form of a “difference of potential” is created. It is from a difference of potential that energy is produced. Assume a vacuum the size of the Universe at the time of the “big bang” is filled with a multitude of infinitesimally small (quantum size) particles of an absolutely identical non-physical presence whose one fundamental behavior characteristic is mutual affinity. Absent a “charge” to convey power for the described particles to function, that multitude of particles would exist as a common point, a singularity. When “charged ” alike, the like charged fundamental particles, as established through significant scientific class research, acquire the power to repel each other along with their inherent self attraction. The charged like fundamental particles correlates with the yin-yang force concept developed by ancient Chinese philosophy. It also correlates with the concept embodied in the conservation of energy law that says the energy that powers creation is inherent within the elemental particles of which matter is made. There is one big difference, the conservation of energy law does not acknowledge the power inherent in elemental particles derives from the energy that establishes and maintains their charge. With self-attraction and self-repelling forces, elemental particles fundamental to all creation attracted and repelled each other and expanded from the singularity in which they originated, to fill the vacuum Universe as a ubiquitous assembly of like quantum size particles. The result is a “cloud” of particles bonded by their mutual attraction and repulsion forces. For those interested and so inclined to believe, the act of charging the fundamental particles was with the commandment “let there be light” and that act is analogous to the “big bang”. The immense almighty presence thus formed has the capability of producing a difference of energy potential with which to create and power the behavior of fundamental particles and in so doing power and sustain all creation. Thus established, the power producing capability of that energy source is sustained as long as the presence particles and their empowering charge are maintained. While a source for presence particles and the “charge” cannot be established with “verifiable” proof it is posited that as inferred by Religious belief, the presence particles are the creator with the “charge” produced by the existence of that presence. It is as yet unproven and probably not provable that the charge is in evidence as the charge currently identified as Cosmic Background Radiation. It is the affinity component of the fundamental particles that produces the fundamental force called gravity or gravitational attraction (GA). The name Graviton has been reserved for that particle. It is the like charge applied to power each particle that produces a repelling force between particles. It is the combination of attracting and repelling forces, called yin yang forces by old time Chinese logic, between fundamental particles that provides the mechanism for the creation of matter with both a physical and an energy presence. As fundamental particles assemble, the resulting assembly acquires attracting power equal to the number of assembled particles, which acts from the vector center of the assembly (the center of gravity) but with several unique behavior characteristics. While possessing attraction intensity equal to the sum of assembled particles, a center of gravity is limited to attracting individual fundamental particles only. That is, the center of gravity of a body consists of individual graviton charges each capable of attracting one like particle only. A body attracts another body particle by particle not by the attracted body’s physical size or density. Since the particles of a body are bonded, the force applied to the body corresponds to the total of the individual forces. It is the mass of an attracted assembly corresponding to the number of fundamental particles in the assembly that establishes the force applied by the attracting body. That explains the findings of Galileo’s leaning tower of Pisa research. Therefore, the total GA force acting between two bodies would be Mass-1 plus Mass-2 divided by the mean intervening distance squared (the distance squared rule) with a multiplier to convert mass units to a force unit such as ergs or pounds. The gravity force equation advanced by Newton, an early modern Physicist, requires the mass of body-1 be multiplied by the mass of body-2, which is not consistent with the fundamentals of gravity. The results by adding would be significantly different from those obtained by multiplying and the reason why Newton prescribed multiplying cannot be explained. Attraction bonds made by gravitons will stretch to infinity but will never break they just weaken with distance and fade away like an old soldiers that never die. Also, responding to power inherent in each fundamental neutrino, the attraction for another neutrino is a directional radiation subject to strength reduction due to the inverse distance squared rule even though the reaction is instantaneous. Further, the power of an assembly center of gravity is applied in attracting fundamental particles in order of distance from its center of gravity until the total available power intensity is committed and that order begins with the particles of which the assembly is composed. While self-binding is the first order in every instance, the inverse squared law means each center of gravity has more power intensity than is committed to self-binding and the remaining power is available to attract fundamental particles of other assemblies. For example, because of the inverse squared distance factor, the Earth has enough power after self-binding, to attract and hold the Moon in orbit. It does so by attracting the individual particles of which the Moon is made that are in turn being held as an assembly by the Moon’s self-binding. In the same manner, after self-binding, the Moon has sufficient attraction power remaining to attract fundamental particles on the Earth, which shows clearly by pulling tides on the Earth’s oceans, and which also illustrates that the Moon center of gravity attracts the individual particles of which the Earth is made and thereby the Earth assembly. Being individually held by the Earth’s gravity and attracted by the GA of the Moon assembly, the individual water molecules are moved to produce tides on the Earths waterways. Recognize that GA acts “line of sight” to apply force to the individual including far-side particles of an assembly as evidenced by far-side tides produced on Earth by the Moon. Gravity (or GA) is an absolute fundamental to creation and applies as the absolute it is, Universe wide. Fundamental gravity is without exception, the same on any assembly, any body in the Universe and in that context, Solar systems, Galaxies and the Universe each constitute an assembly. Further, each identifiable assembly forms a center of gravity in the manner explained so that the intensity of GA of a Galaxy or of the Universe while beyond comprehension, are established in the same manner. Also, while the force of Gravity has the potential to do work as “kinetic energy”, fundamental energy is expended to establish the “kinetic energy” potential of the force of gravity. It is the force of gravity acting to bind the neutrino size fundamental particles that results in the creation of neutrons and eventually their transformation into protons. Neutrinos are the instrument by which the fundamental energy is carried to protons that is then transformed to produce photons. Photons are quantum packets of fundamental energy assembled by the behavior of protons and then formed into lines of magnetic force. Lines of magnet force are the form of second-generation energy. Chapter Three provides a fuller explanation of protons and their behavior. Atoms are an assembly of protons and neutrons, even though neutrons are not stable, with each type atom an assembly of a specific number and arrangement of protons and neutrons. Each arrangement produces unique absolute behavior to serve as the “building blocks” of all subsequent development of matter and energy including weak, strong and electromagnetic forces as well as the effects called light and heat. While photons have absolute behavior characteristics, are a fundamental particle of atoms and are the fundamental energy particle of proton generated force and energy systems, the intensity of photon power is not a set value. The power intensity of proton centers is a function of the number of protons involved in the assembly of atoms or assemblies of atoms, where the proton center power intensity equals the sum of power intensity of the assembled protons. The power intensity of the proton center modified by the inverse squared rule that establishes the power intensity of a particular photon or string of photons. It is the strength of the proton center and diameter distance of the binding ring (line of magnetic force) produced that gives each atom or assembly of atoms (molecules) and each proton binding ring of an atom or assembly of atoms, strength unique to each specific instance. For example, the intensity of a proton outer orbit bond of Neon would be sufficiently unique to allow atom identification solely on the basis of that unique characteristic. Not only does unique photon power intensity establish the binding force produced by each unique situation, photon power intensity exhibits a unique measurable wave length that also produces a unique color when radiating photons impact and illuminate matter. The absolute character and behavior of the described elemental matter and energy forms the basis for the Physics Principles inherent in creation. Nothing described is blasphemous or otherwise contrary to fundamental Religious or Physics beliefs. This explanation of fundamental Creation Physics Principles provides the means by which the Religious-Physics feud over beliefs can be reconciled. Fundamental creation principles make both religious mysteries and mysterious physics principles more readily understood, in fact enjoyably meaningful. Even if not interested in or capable of understanding the mechanics and mystery clearing power of fundamental creation physics, just to recognize the existence, origin and role of Presence Energy is comforting.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 09:13:43 +0000

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