Christian York and Test shake hands, but Test with an irish whip - TopicsExpress


Christian York and Test shake hands, but Test with an irish whip into the corner and he follows it up with a clothesline, but Christian York ducks it and Christian York with a jumping flip kick to the jaw of Test! Test stumbles back into the ropes and he goes for another clothesline but again York ducks it and now Christian York with a spinning heel kick to the jaw of Test! And York goes for the cover, 1-2, and Test gets his shoulder up at Two. Test pulls himself right back to his feet but Christian York with a kick to the arm, and now a forearm to the face, and another, and now he irish whips Test into the ropes, but Test keeps a hold of him and goes for a short armed clothesline, but York with a spinning heel kick but Test ducks it and now Test with a huge clothesline to Christian York! Test pulls York back to his feet and throws him into the corner, and he follows it up with a running elbow to the jaw! And now Test starts driving his foot into the throat of Christian York choking him against the top rope... The referee pulls Test off of the attack, but Test throws York down to the mat and goes for the cover, 1-2, and York gets his shoulder up at Two. Test picks York back to his feet and throws him into the corner and follows it up with a huge running clothesline, and again he irish whips York across the ring into the corner, and Test with another huge running clothesline! And now Test with a snapmare and he pulls York into a front facelock... Slowly Christian York starts pulling himself back to his feet... And now York with an elbow to the ribs, and another, and another, but Test with an irish whip into the corner, but Christian York jumps to the top rope, and Christian York with the Rebels Yell to Test! And now Christian York starts crawling into the cov- Wait, it’s the Tag Team Champions AJ Styles and Dolph Ziggler! Ziggler and Styles run into the ring and are both going after Test and Christian York, but York meets them both with quick right hands, but AJ Styles with a kick to the back of the head of York! And now they go after Test, but Test rolls out of the ring and pulls Christian York out with him. And now Dolph Ziggler calls for a mic...
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 01:17:38 +0000

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