Christian literalism is the worst enemy to black people - TopicsExpress


Christian literalism is the worst enemy to black people mind....When i was in primary school i used to attend a religious subject and it was the subject every morning and everybody in that class was never late because the teacher was found of corporal punishment if you were of the stories i recall from that class is the genesis story how God created earth,adam,eve and how the snake plotted the fall of man. now that story says God created everything on earth and the animals were created in pairs that means male and female but men were created single adam was created alone without his other half to make them a pair.God made every living creature male and female but except for men!!! its in the bible. you know its because of this creation story that has made woman to be regarded as second class citizens in this world and still today every religion oppress woman they dont allow woman in their power structures, did you know the first woman to be allowed as a bishop was only in 2006, religion teaches that woman were born to serve man and the woman role was to be a help mate, ephisians says wife obey your husbands, 2nd corinthians say i forbid a woman to have authority over a man, i forbid a woman to speak in church.....the bible keep woman in second class status.i wonder if i will live to see a woman elected as pope......the story gets more ridiculous and say God cursed the snake to crawl on its belly, now in my mind a question comes that was there a different form of movement the snake used before, did snakes have legs before God cursed them???. now i wonder if the christians who go to church every sunday question this story?......this story further goes and perpetuate that woman are an after thought of God, there were only created after God saw that adam is lonely, now another question come to my does Adam get lonely for something he does not know of?? Adam never knew the comfort of a woman because God had not created one yet so how does that work??? this ridiculous story does not end here, by the way this is in the bible i am not making this up, now this powerfull good God create a tree of the knowledge of good and bad and put it in the middle of the garden of eden to oviously tempt adam and eve, hold on now!!!.......does this mean good God created evil as well??? to continue God told adam that theres a tree in the garden of eden that adam should not touch but if he ever eats from this tree he shall surely die.....another question after they ate of the tree they never died adam and eve actually lived for over hundred of years according to the bible, how come is that??? to further confuse me this story in the bible says adam and eve tried to hide from God after they ate from the tree of knowledge!!! lets examine this, you the first man on earth and you personally know God and his power after that you eat from the tree of knowledge then you hide from God who you know sees everything!!! how does that work??? God at the end of this story gets angry(anthromorphic God) and curse mankind for eternity because of what one man did and all people born today are automaticly sinners because of this adam and eve ways........a good and loving forgiving God curse you and me because of something we did not par-take in. you know after God created men God said this is a good creation, its not me said that read your bible and you will see question would be how does it go so so bad if it was created good??? Now today christians are saying its because of this adam and eve sin story that we are cursed and born out of sin and we teach our children this story, kids go to sunday school and theyre told that theyre born sinners.l will never tell or teach my kids that they were born in sin and their existence caused the death of Jesus.....what a burden we put on our kids telling them their evil. what we need is to have our kids empowered of knowledge of self, to be whole and loving, have acceptance, tolerable of each other, capable of stepping over the boundries of religion,gender and race.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 01:14:09 +0000

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