ChristianiTy stole from our ancestors ancient kemet Egyptians - TopicsExpress


ChristianiTy stole from our ancestors ancient kemet Egyptians THE OLD TESTAMENT Most of us have been indoctrinated in the belief that Christianity and for that matter Judaism dropped onto mankind in the midst of an extremely sinful world. The historical reality is much more complicated than that. What we believe to be some new revolutionary dispensation beginning with Adam and crystallising with Jesus actually goes back to the dim mists of antiquity. Now, ancient Hebrew sacred writings were not meant to be interpreted literally; much of what comprises the Torah and the Old Testament were myths, allegorical proverbs and poems. Many of the names found in the OT were not referring to historical individuals but actually referred to whole tribes and communities. Indeed, most of the OT writings were simply poetic tales meant to convey the values of patriarchal Hebrew society. If we compare these myths with their Kemetic/Egyptian sources we can begin to explore the deeper meanings. Cheikh Anta Diop and Gerald Massey made this easier by comparing linguistic patterns; in a private conversation with Charles Finch, Diop showed how the Jewish scriptures borrowed extensively from its Egyptian parent. The deep symbolism and typology of the ancient Nile Valley sacred science provides us with the means to the complex process of understanding what the writers of the sacred Jewish and Christian texts may have wanted to convey to their devotees. It is not as simplistic as the priests and pastors make it out to be. The Adam and Eve story for instance, is a prime example of age-old typology corrupted into an historical event. The first human is said to be Adam with his first consort being Eve [though in later Jewish literature he had a first wife named Lilith]. Now in many Jewish texts the names Adam and Eve are written using lowercase letters because these were not actual historical people. This Jewish myth - or rather this Jewish version of the myth - was simply their way of explaining the origins of man as well as explaining their cultural practices [such as the way women are to be regarded in that particular society]. We will attempt to look behind the literal images of such figures as Adam by applying Masseys method of linking biblical names with their Kemetic roots. Adam is said to be the first man in the image of God, the father of mankind, the completion of creation. He is also the Kemetic ATM/ATUM, defined conversely as the first god in the image of Man and mankinds father. The root of ATM is TM [TEM/TUM], which has several meanings, i.e. mankind, people, completion. ATUM is the complete Divine Man. A cognate root of TEM is DEM, which means, to name, as the biblical Adam was the namer of animals. Note also with reference to the Great Year that Genesis represents not only the creation of the cosmos but also the beginning of a new cosmic time-cycle. The Great year begins in the Age of Leo [circa 10,000 BCE]; ATUM is the lion-faced one, who creates Shu and Tefnut, also represented in lion forms. Another parallel we should take note of is that in Hebrew adam is adu-mah (clay like/ made of clay); the Kemetic deity Khnum - who is shown as a Ram - is depicted sitting at a potters wheel fashioning the gods out of clay. Then we have Adams consort Eve [Heb. CHAVVAH/HAVVAH] seduced by the serpent in the Tree of Life. The Kemetic Great Mother Serpent is HEFA; the name also means fruit - as in the fruit of Life. Our biblical Genesis is taken from the funerary rituals of Kemet. The parallels do not end there; the Garden of Eden [Heb. ADN], the mythical land where they are created is also represented as the great enclosure in religious motifs while in Kemetic, DEN means enclosure. When Adam and Eve are cast out of Eden and settle in the land of Nod. Nod is NUD in Kemet [outside of/away from]. Their first two children, Cain and Abel, are the warring twins so prominent in the Kemetic Mysteries [Yusir/Set]. But more than that Cain/QAYIN [Heb], who strikes down and kills Abel, is identified with the Kemetic Set and the word QEN which means, to strike down. Abel/HABL [Heb] is rendered in Egyptian as HAB-IR - feast or rite; we can see the parallel to Abel who offers a lamb to god in a ceremonial ritual. Note also that the Hebrew beliefs come at the time when the Kemetic Great Years Age of the Ram which begins circa 2218 BCE.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 17:26:47 +0000

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