Clair Van Steenwyk for a Constitutional American - TopicsExpress


Clair Van Steenwyk for a Constitutional American Government Please read entire posting before sharing, liking or commenting on it; Now this was sent to me by a friend who isn’t to pleased with what’s being done by this post and didn’t choose to be quoted, what surprises me is that as far as I can tell no personal conversation or contact by the person posting this was attempted as I spoke with Tyler to verify the comments in the statement posted and he assured me that what the reporter wrote was out of context and not exactly what he said or meant and Lisa never contacted nor others to verify the remarks in this posting. My concern in this is that it is more of a hit piece made to look like a statement on policy when it’s really trying to attack his character and discredit him with some in the party before he’s even given a chance to get his feet wet. I also believe that this is a statement being posted in an attempt to unify those who voted for the person who posted this to get them aligned against the outsider running for State Chair, however this is strictly my opinion base on experience and watching the comments here and elsewhere as well. I’m hoping that this isn’t carried forward, however I’m posting this just to demonstrate that at times losing a race can cause deep divides and we all need to work on them, deal with verified differences on Issues and Records not on statements being made by some on the outside meant to cause this type of division, as the bait was taken in this case hook, line and sinker. We hope all who read this if they want the inside of the real comments will do as we’ve done contact the person who’s accused of making the comments and that’s for the Record. God Bless You All; Clair Van Steenwyk The following post was posted by Lisa Beightol Gray and was sent to me as I’m not able to see it and hope all will feel free to comment and contact Tyler as well. Lisa Beightol Gray 2 hrs Right out of the gate… As I reflect on my campaign and the labels that my opponents supporters tried to attached to me, such as, a Rino, a McCainiac, as well as, hearing Precinct Committeemen say they wanted a leader who would strictly adhere to our party platform…they wanted absolutely “no compromise”…you either were on board 100% or you weren’t a “true conservative Republican.” Well, you can imagine that I was quite dumbfounded to read one of the first statements made by our recently elected County Chairman on the topic of marriage. In the January 13 issue of the Yellow Sheet, they write and he’s quoted as saying… Marriage, he said, has “nothing to do” with the major issues Arizona and America are facing. He believes in the traditional definition of marriage, he told our reporter, “but I also believe that government needs to get out of the marriage business, and that it should have no place… telling people they have to do something or they don’t have to do something.” How does his stance on this issue this line up with the Republican Party platform? To put it bluntly, it doesn’t. The word “marriage” is listed 21 times in our Party Platform. It is clear that Republicans are the Party who are committed to preserving and protecting traditional marriage, which is also tied to our first amendment right; the protection of Religious Freedom. The platform also states that Congressional Republicans took the lead in enacting the Defense of Marriage Act and continues by stating that as Republicans - We reaffirm our support for a Constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. We applaud the citizens of the majority of States, which have enshrined in their constitutions the traditional concept of marriage, and we support the campaigns underway in several other States to do so. (2012, Republican Party Platform, page 10) Once more in our platform it also states - We will enforce and defend in court the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in the Armed Forces as well as in the civilian world. With all the pressing issues that need to be addressed in our County Party, such as, the recent blatant abuse of power by our outgoing Chairman, a rouge communications director who is using the MCRC Briefs for her personal vendettas and a quickly approaching election cycle, you would think that speaking out AGAINST our Party platform would not be on his list of priorities. In fact, as the Republican Party County Chairman, speaking AGAINST our party platform shouldn’t be on his agenda at all…he ran for office saying he fully supported the platform and our Constitution. But sometimes it’s hard to stick to those silly campaign promises. •Lilia Dashevsky, Daniel Stefanski and 12 others like this. Joy Peck Grainger Why is there a need for an illusion of 100% agreement on every issue (which can never truly happen if were all being honest)? I may not agree with a fellow Republican on some issues that are important to me personally, but I can respect that theyve come to their different opinion after thoughtful consideration. This type of all or nothing thinking is divisive and toxic. I used to love getting involved in the true work of engaging more Americans in the political process, but the toxicity of the AZ GOP bullies (and Im not grouping all GOPers into that--just that extreme sector of bullies), has turned me off from participating & engaging. I will continue to vote, support candidates I believe in, volunteer in non-partisan activities and provide monetary support to those I know are trying to unify, but Im regretfully done with the nastiness of the local party. Signed, A Lifelong GOPer (who happens to support marriage equality...which would make the hate mongers of the party burn me at the stake! ) 2 hrs • Like • 3 Lori M Hack Can I get a copy of the January 13 Yellow Sheet about Tylers position and statements? Side note: Lisa do you support marriage equality? I sure dont. 1 hr • Like OTFBR by Van; Please contact Tyler and let him explain it to you himself. Scott OConnor Lisa, this isnt the fight we need to be having. 1 hr • Like • 2 OTFBR by Van; For once Scott I agree with you Lisa Beightol Gray Scott... this is not a fight at all. This is pointing out that when someone runs on supporting the GOP platform 100% and then 3 days after being elected speaks out against it...I think thats a problem...and as I said I was quite surprised by it. There are definitely more pressing issues that need to be handled...and I noted that as well. 1 hr • Like OTFBR by Van; I truly hope you’ve spoken with him before doing this on such a Public although blocked posting Venue, as we know what’s done in the dark comes out into the light, from a friend to me. Tonya Thompson The Republican Platform is supposed to substantiate our core values as Conservatives - not the whim or agenda of individuals or cliques. Do I agree with every Republican on every detail? No. But, core values should be fundamentally non-negotiable. After that, reaching a consensus on every issue is nearly impossible and very improbable. In fact, I read this quote this morning from Margaret Thatcher: “Consensus: “Abandoning all beliefs, principles, values, and policies in search of something no one believes, but to which no one objects; the process of avoiding the very issues that have to be solved, merely because you cannot get agreement on the way ahead. We are not the Democratic party and we need to stop behaving like them. We are not about mob rule or dictatorships. We need to behave like the Conservatives we say we are. Lest anyone should forget - go back to the foundation. 1 hr • Like • 1 Lisa James It signals a willingness to run the Party as the last Chairman did--applying rules to everyone but himself. 1 hr • Like • 4 OTFBR by Van ; I’d like to know if you verified what the Chairman said before responding to an out of context statement by a reporter not on our side, however nice to know how you really feel. Scott OConnor Tyler is very young, and with limited experience. Lets not be too hard on him right off the bat. He will come around with good advice from those around him. 1 hr • Like • 1 OTFBR by Van; I’d like to know if you verified what the Chairman said before responding to an out of context statement by a reporter not on our side, however nice to know how you really feel, however not certain who this so called advice is suppose to come from, oh maybe I do know, tell you later who I believe that might be. Daniel Stefanski Lisas point is being missed by some here... in an earlier edition of the MCRC briefs the new chairman opined that, we must stand up for principle and show that the GOP has the backbone and vision to execute the Party Platform, not stand by and watch as those who claim to be Republicans, walk all over it. The chairmans comments in yesterdays Yellow Sheet were ambiguous (at best), and leaned towards the side of those who wish Republicans to advance an agenda that is antithetical to the traditional definition of marriage that is unsupported by our platform. It is a discussion for another day on whether or not it is withing the purview of the Chairman to lead the change of a platform, but the current chairman campaigned on just the opposite. He campaigned on a strict adherence to our current platform - and his supporters crucified Lisa when there were unsubstantiated rumors that she was in the service of a Republican who has not conformed to our entire platform. Many politicians these days make many promises to get elected, but they dont walk the walk. Unless these comments are retracted, it is clear that the top of the MCRC is not walking the walk. 1 hr • Like • 2 OTFBR by Van ; I don’t believe this Is the best place for you to be posting as your position and responsibilities it carries should keep you from falling into these divisive situations, however since you insist on as you said those we’ve elected don’t keep the promises they make let alone the Oath they take when they vote in favor of taking away our God Granted Rights when the vote in Congress supporting; CISPA, NDAA, Patriot Act, Indefinite Detention of American Citizens, NSA Funding, Language in HR 5759 giving Obama his definition of legal status or amnesty not to mention voting for John Boehner, so be careful in the future of joining in a conversation before checking out the story as reported by such a trusted source as the yellow sheet. Joan Lang Oh, Lisa, how I wish it was you at the top. Ive discovered that the first things out of a persons mouth are 98% of the time the true feelings/beliefs of that person...retraction be damned. 1 hr • Like • 1 OTFBR by Van ; I’d like to know if you verified what the Chairman said before responding to an out of context statement by a reporter not on our side. Andrea Glasscock Garcia Im not surprised ypu lose because the label of McCain was stuck on you long ago. I dont agree with it but knew it would happen I was disgusted when Diane Ortiz-Parsons lost when she was one of the hardest working women and Latina nothing they do shocks me anymore. Sorry your feeling this way and I know the feeling well. I am now a registered Libertarian again 56 mins • Like OTFBR by Van ; I’d like to know if you verified what the Chairman said before responding to an out of context statement by a reporter not on our side. Dan Caldwell I think Tyler is a good guy and think he will do a good a job as possible as chairman. I also think you would have done a good job Lisa. Additionally, I think Robert Graham and Chad Heywood have done as a good job as can be done at the AZGOP. However, ...See More 48 mins • Like • 1 OTFBR by Van; I can’t comment on this as unable to see entire posting. Lesley VanBorssum Lisa, while I could not vote, I must say that in every capacity from citizen to committee woman to strong Republican woman, I am honored to know you and thank you for the service you provide to the Republican Party. 43 mins • Like • 3 OTFBR by Van; I actually believe this statement is honest and from her heart. Up next is the Maricopa County Chairman’s Press Release in Response to this and other attacks attempting to in my opinion divide the GOP at a critical time and for me the underlying reason in this attempted character assassination is the upcoming State GOP Elections hoping not to have the same results, take the time to read Tyler’s response and then you decide for yourselves and do believe when speaking of another Republican or for that matter anyone only say what you know to be true concerning the Issues, Records and Statements they represent. God Bless You All; Clair Van Steenwyk / AZS Constitutional Conservative Coalition PRESS RELEASE FROM MCRC CHAIRMAN TYLER BOWYER Yesterday, the Yellow Sheet reported a number of things about me. Some were factual, others were not. It reported: 1) That I believe in a new generation of Conservative Leadership. Correct. 2) That I believe inside the Republican Party, we should live by Reagans Eleventh Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Speak Ill of Any Fellow Republican. Also factual. 3) Lastly, Yellow Sheet parsed quotes out of context alluding to me leaning libertarian and supporting the gay lobbys equal marriage concept. This is inaccurate. What I had clearly told the reporter was that his question has nothing to do with the other questions in his interview. I told him directly and unequivocally that I believe in traditional marriage: one man, one woman. Period. I also told him that I do not support the expansion of government in marriage and if government is going to continue to find new ways to tell citizens what it can or cant do in regards to religious liberties (which is happening in states nationwide,) we should support the Republican Party Platform principles of limited government by getting out of the government-regulated marriage business altogether. I hope that clears things up and that we can send voters a clear message that we believe in pro-family ideals. Here in Arizona, I personally support the missions of the Center for Arizona Policy as well as Arizona Right to Life. As fresh leadership I hope that this will not be overlooked as new faces take positions within the Republican Party. I also hope that we can hold true to Reagans Eleventh Commandment. As your Chairman, I will seek to uplift the GOP in every way possible and ask that our fellow Precinct Committeemen do the same. God Bless, Tyler Bowyer
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 03:11:45 +0000

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