Clarence Neeley Now want some BULL SHIT here it is let sarah palin - TopicsExpress


Clarence Neeley Now want some BULL SHIT here it is let sarah palin DONATE to make up for Campaigning for a loser like her self a rep that took 14% of the vote away from our man. WE all know she stole money from the GOP, tried to stuff pos You are receiving this email on behalf of Tea Party Patriots. 100% Grassroots, 100% of the Time. Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Dear Patriot, It was a long and exciting Election Day. But I wanted to personally send you this quick email to remind you that we aren’t done yet. We must still educate and turn out voters in Louisiana for the Senate race’s crucial runoff election. And my National Finance Director just informed me that we don’t have the money on hand to support our Tea Party friends in Louisiana like we did in the other states! Please, make an urgent generous contribution of $15, $25, $50 or whatever you can possibly afford. We need to politically cripple the Obama Administration once and for all. We need to deal a death blow to Obamacare, amnesty, and out-of-control spending. Every single conservative voter in Louisiana needs to understand what is at stake in this runoff. And local Tea Party groups are ready to spread the word. But these local activists need our help. For them, this election season has only just begun. Unfortunately, we are really short on funds right now. We put virtually every spare dollar into our massive grassroots voter education program leading up to Election Day. This race in Louisiana is very, very important for the country. We must keep rallying the American people against Barack Obama’s agenda. But right now, we simply don’t have the resources to do that. Please help! Our goal is to hammer away at Barack Obama and his agenda in the days leading up to the runoff election. Louisiana is a conservative state. But the liberal media and the White House are desperately trying to save what is left of Obama’s presidency. They will lie and spin and try to convince the good people of Louisiana that Obamacare is working and that our economy really is getting better. That’s baloney, of course. But they will get away with this nonsense if we don’t keep fighting. Please give whatever you can right now. I know you are probably tired of politics. You probably want to savor all the victories conservative candidates achieved. However, we must keep fighting. At least for a little while longer. You see, Barack Obama and his henchmen will never ever give up. They aren’t humbled by the elections results. Frankly, they are probably madder and more determined than ever! And Louisiana is where they will make their final stand in this election. Our local activists in Louisiana need our help. They must continue battling street by street in the war against ObamaCare, amnesty, higher taxes, and more government spending. This is our golden opportunity to end the Obama Administration nightmare! Please donate whatever you can right away. As I just mentioned, our voter education campaign leading up to Tuesdays voting has severely depleted our treasury. We don’t have the funds to support our Tea Party volunteers in Louisiana like we did in all the other states. We need your help, today. Please do what you can. Thank you so much for all you do. God bless you and the Tea Party movement. Donate Now! Sincerely, Jenny Beth Contributions to Tea Party Patriots, Inc. are not tax deductible itions in Alaska now vote against the man we wanted and voted for BULL SHIT
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 22:20:01 +0000

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