Closing down Chinese schools per se wont help nation - TopicsExpress


Closing down Chinese schools per se wont help nation building. You should streamline all schools,including SAR,private schools and come up with a new national that makes everyone learn BM like proper Malaysians,but also gives other languages their due place.You can find Japanese classes easier than Tamil ones, and Taekwondo classes easier than silat.So dont blame anyone if the next generation knows Wonder Girls but not SM Salim. Vernacular schools were highly relevant during their formation,but should we really be going five different directions now? One syllabus... that integrates other races literature,history,identity and culture into the mainstream.We have a rich shared history.....this includes the Mahabarata,Romance of the Three Kingdoms,Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa,Sulalatus Salatin. Can we please please go beyond Melaka? Melaka was just one small part.There were a hundred Hang Li Pos being exported around Asia (Emperor banyak anak) and almost everyone had one of those yellow Imperial umbrellas la, they probably looked as common as the blue BN umbrellas we see during elections. We can be so much prouder of Srivijaya,one kingdom that stood against Chola for a hundred years.Even her tiny splinter kingdoms took sooooo long to die. We can find,in one relatively small geographical span,languages from all over Asia...and constructed languages drawing from the Dutch,Portugese.We hold the bulk of Borneo culture. Give all races their due place in our common schools.You cant all hold on to your own subcultures and expect this to be a country.This is such an awesome country,if everyone just thought of it as their first and only home. If we cannot even get one education system in place,Malaysia isnt home yet.Its still a refugee camp were staying in,except the war ended long ago.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 11:13:25 +0000

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