Come hear engineers from YouTube speak on both the web and data - TopicsExpress


Come hear engineers from YouTube speak on both the web and data tracks at the AtScale 2014 conference this month! Mikhail Sychev will be talking about “WebP at YouTube: Faster images on Desktop and Mobile” and Sugu Sougoumarane will be covering “Scaling YouTube’s Backend: The Vitess Trade-off.” Read the full abstracts below and check out the other exciting speakers at atscaleconference “WebP at YouTube: Faster Images on Desktop and Mobile” Despite being a video-sharing website YouTube is one of the largest image hosting platforms on the internet serving over a hundred billions images a day. For the last year we have been working on a site-wide WebP adoption project and as a result now serve it to Mobile, Desktop, and TV. We want to share both highlights and lowlights of our effort to bring faster video thumbnails to the web. “Scaling YouTube’s Backend: The Vitess Trade-off.” If your website or mobile service becomes hugely successful, you will quickly realize that one of the hardest parts to scale is the storage. You will also find yourself making various trade-offs related to transactions, consistency, availability and durability. We faced these challenges at YouTube, which gave rise to the development of Vitess, an open source project. This talk will cover Vitess’s architecture and discuss how we found our sweet spot by balancing all these requirements.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 17:02:47 +0000

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