Concerning the racism and ethnocentrism in many of our evangelical - TopicsExpress


Concerning the racism and ethnocentrism in many of our evangelical churches, especially in South Florida I thought this was a great analysis. Wax who serves as the Managing Editor of The Gospel Project at LifeWay Christian Resources writes, Racial issues continue unabated, albeit in more subtle forms, such as white flight, missiological strategies that depend on homogeneity, and church structures that make it easy to associate only with people like ourselves. Also writes, Southerners didn’t always see slavery as desirable, but because the Southern economy and culture depended on the practice, they couldn’t imagine life without it. So, in order to justify their cultural accommodation, Southern Christians went back to the Bible and began to develop “biblical” defenses of racial superiority (the curse of Ham, the Tower of Babel, applying biblical references to slavery in ancient times to permanent, race-based slavery). Questions: How does your church pastor, staff or culture continue to push a white is right ideology in subtle ways? What role does the music, professional executive staff, guest speakers, play in creating comfort for anglo members/culture in our institutions versus a true intentional integration that reflects South Florida or Urban communities? What role does tithers, donors play into staffing and branding decisions, especially amongst South Florida mega churches? Why do the minorities allow Anglos in South Florida To Get Away with it? Is it due to sense of inferiority, island traditions, or a sense of hate and distrust towards thier own culture, or due to to a genuine change by the Gospel? Pray, push, and persevere until Gods dream for churches in multi-cultural cities come true. Then we will slowly gain moral authority again that was lost due to sin of racism and ethnocentrism that still persist unchecked and unchallenged. Please read full article & comment.
Posted on: Sat, 10 May 2014 16:49:05 +0000

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