Confidence in the midst of distress Is there anyone among you - TopicsExpress


Confidence in the midst of distress Is there anyone among you suffering, make prayer (Tg 5.13). What is suffering? Many could give an answer to that question personal and subjective. In general terms, the anxiety is a feeling that accompanies a man from birth to death in all situations of life; the anguish is partner of the human being. Anxiety is one of the strongest oppressive of humanity, is a sense of the soul the King and the beggar can attack as well. Anxiety is an emotion that can be put down but not off. The natural man cannot deviate or escape from it. It actually existed and there are people of strong character who, with his determination, front stubbornly anguish, but also not beat it. We can try to ignore the anguish, there is no escape from painful situations. What it the Bible say about anxiety? She says, for example, the anguish and suffering can be visible. 42.21 genesis tells us an example when José brothers came to Egypt to buy grain and gathered in the José Palacio, and without knowing what to do I said to one another: in truth are guilty, as our brother, because he saw the anguish of the soul, when we went not rogava... The anguish, the Bible says: not only paralyzes the language, but also causes you to speak. In work 7.11 hear job saying: why not rebuke to my mouth, will speak in the anguish of my spirit, I complain in the bitterness of my soul. But anxiety also causes up to ungodly full of self-righteousness to feel disturbed. Bildad describes the wicked 18,11 work in this way: the astonished everywhere VIDAÑA and pursued at every turn. Scripture also teaches that anguish is stronger than the largest luxury. Zophar here communicates in 20.22 work: in the fullness of your wealth, you will be distressed, full force of misery will come upon him. Anxiety also causes darkness. When Isaiah had to announce a punishment on Israel, spoke about the consequences of this sentence: Bramam against them that day, like the roaring of the sea; If someone looking for the land, behold, there is only darkness and anguish, and the light dims in dense clouds (5.30 es). And in 8.22 Isaiah the Prophet must proclaim about apostate people: they resemble the Earth, behold, darkness, anguish and anxiety, and the shadows will be released from darkness. These are negative examples, but there are also positive examples. In Psalm 119.143, David teaches us that Gods Word is always stronger than the anguish: about me came tribulation and anguish, however, your commandments are a pleasure. Distress is present, but the joy in the word of God is greater. Another translation says: I was surrounded by pain and despair, but the commandments were my great joy. The power of God is also always greater than the anguish: if Im in the middle of the tribulation, youve remade me life; Stretch your hand against the anger of my enemies, and your right hand saves me (Sl 138.7). In Isaiah 9.2 promise: the people that walked in darkness saw great light and those who lived in the region of the shadow of death, shining in the light. In the New Testament, Paul confirms this glorious truth: who will separate us from the love of Christ? To tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or hunger, or nakedness, or danger or sword?.? Because I am sure that neither death, life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (ROM 8,35; (38-39). And what says the Lord Jesus on the anguish? It is very illustrative and educational to take into account that you never said that in this world there would be no suffering. In fact, he often preaches that to become a Christian, the person will no longer be tribulations and temptations. But that is not true. The Lord Jesus said clearly: in the world but by problems... (John 16.33). And then adds the glorious but: but of good cheer, I have overcome the world . In other words: the world is the Kingdom of Satan, but my victory over this world can also be your victory, i.e., in me you will have the chance to win his own anguish. This is the position of Jesus in relation to the anguish. Who was the first man he faced with anxiety? It was Adam, soon after the fall into sin. Prior to the fall, Adam didnt know that feeling. However, after sin entered in his life, was invaded by the terrible feeling of amazement: and the Lord God called to the man and asked him: where are you? He said: I heard your voice in the garden, and was
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 03:10:16 +0000

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