Copied from a discussion Im following - I have not followed the - TopicsExpress


Copied from a discussion Im following - I have not followed the links or seen the photos/videos. This sure puts things into perspective. True, backyard breeders add to the stream of slaughtered horses. What has not been discussed here is that its not actually over breeding. Canada and Mexico have huge contracts to fill with the EU and Japan for horse meat, just as for cattle, poultry, etc. They NEED the 200,000 horses they slaughter yearly. If that number dropped due to breeder inspection, theyd simply create more equine feedlots. In Canada, we have many equine feedlots. Land is cheap. We also slaughter 5000 PMU foals annually. Without slaughter, PMU could not exist. Till recently, when Pfizer pulled back PMU production due to the outcry against both cruelty and the cancer risks inherent in their product, we slaughtered 70,000 annually. The USDA and Ministry of Agriculture subsidize the breeding of horses, in order to create what seems to horse lovers as a surplus. It is not. It is purely intentional. Canada takes in $70 million annually from horse meat sales. One specific way in which govt Ag subsidizes breeding is to help pro-slaughter groups like the AQHA, APHA and AHA along with breeding incentives. These are glamorous awards in which stallion owners are spotlighted for overbreeding. However a horse dies, the breed orgs keep the registration monies. Your state Horse Council may be actively pro-slaughter. Our Canadian provincial ones are. They do pro-slaughter seminars, funded by Equine Canada, the same body that promotes our Olympic equestrian team. To Horse Councils, it is part of the Horse Industry. Heres an article in a national livestock producer magazine, about a prolific feedlot owner who still tries to maintain she is a breeder. Other feedlot owners dont bother with the facade: producer /2010/ 08/horse- breeding- industry- faces-crisis/ We have people like this all over the Canadian Prairies. They exist in the US, as well. One problem in getting people excited and protesting horse mills, is that they dont usually look as gross as puppy mills. No stacked cages or screaming, filthy puppies. Horses about to be butchered alive, look peaceful in the pasture. As another parallel: did you know the reason thousands of puppy mills continue, is that once dogs are outside city limits, theyre livestock? The USDA established puppy mills as a way to pull farmers out of the Depression. Pet stores became the distribution centres. In the same way, the government established and continues to protect and finance horse mills. Though it would be wonderful to stop irresponsible breeders, theyre just a drop in the bucket. Though I speak up against irresponsible breeding as loudly as any advocate, its slaughter that needs to be stopped. Its deliberate. It serves as a profitable garbage can for the irresponsible, but it is actually organized crime. • Wanted to add: this is the clearest chart of how the slaughter industry is connected and deliberate. The Horse Welfare Alliance of Canada exists to promote slaughter. If you read this entire page, youll see whom is partnered with whom: horsewel Agriculture Canada is self-explanatory; thats our govt agency, same as USDA. Bouvry Exports is the Belgian co. that owns most of our slaughter plants. Natl Assoc of Equine Ranchers (NAERIC) is pee farmers. Woods Livestock Services is one of our largest kill buyers. Most of our Horse Councils are here, along with the Appaloosa Horse Club and the Canadian branch of the AQHA. The one SPCA listed actively has rescues slaughtered. At the bottom, youll see theyre partnered with United Orgs. of the Horse, Slaughterhouse Sue and Dave Duquette s US society that is trying to reopen US slaughter, wants to kill all the mustangs and feed them to school kids and seniors. Wallis made a media statement that HWAC, above, is our partner to the North. These people all participated in the Vegas pro-slaughter summit. Its a horrifying insight when you realize that its deliberate and these people are all in bed together. I still have a hard time attending ritzy dressage/jumper shows, knowing the same Councils sponsoring our Olympians are quietly facilitating the butchering alive of those less fortunate. Ive been ranted at by elite sport horse people for speaking up against slaughter (I hold the Cdn. record, and persuaded my political Rep to read my petition in the House). They rely on their Horse Councils to sponsor our A list shows, and so choose to believe the Councils BS about the necessity of slaughter. horsewel Its slaughter we need to shut down. One way I get pet owners to protest, is comparing it to puppy mill owners being able to not only dump their excess at shelters, but being paid $500 per dog/cat/rabbit/ bird. The shelter then slaughters, and ships the pet carcasses to China. Animal abuse and abandonment is rampant enough without that incentive. Animal cruelty increases when profitable garbage cans such as slaughter are available. Dont want to call a vet? No problem. Not only can you dump your colicking or lame horse at auction---you get a cash reward. If you could do that with small pets, imagine the line ups at shelters! Here is the reality of horse slaughter. Watch the videos. defendho rsescanada. org/ The other thing to understand about horse racing: its not about horses. Its the gambling industry, i.e. organized crime. The horses are simply by products. They mean nothing to most owners, except as trophies and investments. The horses mean as little as the Greyhounds who get thrown in dumpsters or electrocuted once they start losing. Or aging call girls, etc. Even the many TB and STB owners who can afford to retire their horses, still slaughter nearly all their infertile broodmares. I managed a TB stud farm, and was staggered by how casual were the kill orders. And how pervasive the abuse. Babies who get hurt in training get killed, too. Major surgery is performed routinely without anesthetic (I refused). The slaughter truck comes quietly for the discards on a regular basis. You cant stop that except by stopping slaughter. Unless you want to directly confront the Mafia who profit from racing.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 21:25:11 +0000

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