World libertarian weekly No - TopicsExpress

   World libertarian weekly No 1758: Special 150 years of AIT! published: 11-12-2014 by Administration Libertarian World French Translation: Antonioorganizersanchez A Coffee BREAK WITH Antonio Sanchez There are a few years, the Galician writer Manuel Rivas wrote: Today, they all have an International except workers. The First International was founded, 150 years ago, September 28, 1864 in London. It was composed of organizations and individuals representing a broad range of philosophies. Anarchists, particularly mutual, opposed the communists and statism. After the entry of collectivist anarchists, the International was split permanently into two distinct camps: the camp of those who supported the government and those who opposed it. In 1872, the Marxists expelled the anarchists of AIT. The International did not survive its divisions, but the anarchists tried to resuscitate. At the end of 1922, AIT was revived and made from its inception, a clear statement against the political vanguards. Rejecting the partys role in the liberation of the working class, she refused the ideas of the PC, which sought to unite all the organizations of the revolutionary workers under his wing, in pursuit of its objectives. The first principle of revolutionary syndicalism that appears in the statutes of the AIT is Revolutionary unionism based on class struggle, aims to unite all workers in combative economic organizations, struggling to break free from the double yoke of capital and the state. The objectives of those who wanted to achieve social change through the state or the revolutionary party were not the targets of anarchists who entered the International, they finally realized the unbridgeable gap between the two ideas. Workers have to reinvent the International today an absolute weapon against capitalist domination that broadens our horizons and recover the sense of possibility. RECOMMEND FOR LECTURE TO KNOW ABOUT HISTORY! Gracias Antonio Sanchez
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 00:11:09 +0000

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