Cowardly, spineless squish Republicans. Remind me again why I - TopicsExpress


Cowardly, spineless squish Republicans. Remind me again why I should vote for these clowns next month. After rushing out of the Senate chamber to rubber stamp Obama’s September agenda, Republican leaders sent their rank-and-file colleagues home with a list of campaign talking points. The glaring omission from the leadership memo was a promise to fully repeal Obamacare. They tout promises to repeal the medical device tax and the 30-hour work week created by the law, but no mention of the most important selling point of a potential GOP Senate: the ability to repeal Obamacare through the budget process. Even conservative House Rep. Marlin Stutzman (R-IN) made it clear that the days of full repeal are over. Indeed, Senator Rob Portman (R-OH), the Republican tasked with outlining the agenda for a GOP-controlled Senate, has focused primarily on repealing the medical device tax. To the extent he has mentioned full repeal of Obamacare, it sounds like he would only push for a perfunctory vote, instead of using the budget reconciliation process, which would enable Republicans to repeal the law with a simple majority. Over the past few months, House Republicans have championed this partial repeal narrative as well. Partial repeal bills for the purpose of creating a positive message for conservatives would be satisfactory if we knew they were committed to pushing for full repeal next year. But the particular aspects of Obamacare they are targeting, and more importantly the ones they are ignoring, should concern conservatives who are placing their hope of repealing Obamacare on the November elections. As conservatives work hard this November to help elect a Republican Senate Majority, we must get confirmation from GOP leadership that they will not shy away and indeed use the budget reconciliation process to repeal Obamacare. If conservatives fail to lay down a marker now, we will be stuck with a GOP-controlled Congress that is committed to repealing only those provisions opposed by big business interests and lobbyists – many of whom helped pass Obamacare in 2010. - See more at: https://conservativereview/commentary/2014/09/have-republicans-given-up-on-repealing-obamacare#sthash.eVh4m3P1.dpuf
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 04:40:59 +0000

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