Crystal of the month The name Topaz is thought to come from the - TopicsExpress


Crystal of the month The name Topaz is thought to come from the Sanskrit word tapas meaning fire and blue topaz has been said to combine the energies of water and fire. It is a balancing stone and imparts strength to the user. Topaz is a soothing, empathic stone that sends energy to where it is most needed. This gentle stone soothes, heals and recharges the meridians of the body. It symbolizes the joy of life and shines a light on a path and taps into inner resources. Negativity does not survive around the joyful Topaz. Traditionally, it has been known as the stone of love and good fortune and bringing about successful aspirations. Topaz is unquestionably an ancient healing stone and gemstone. It was linked to Jupiter and was considered a symbol of power and wisdom. The royal crown of England is set with nearly 500 topazes that were mined in the Erzgebirge (Ore Mountains in Czech Republic). Topaz is translucent and is found in many colors ranging from white, blue, pink, orange and yellow. Magical Use: This crystal is primarily about balance, it helps to balance personal energy and can both lift the spirits and give an energy boost to those that need it. This stone promotes openness, honesty, self-realization, self-control and the urge to develop inner wisdom. Imperial Topaz - good for relaxation and meditation and for attraction. Promotes strong mental energy, thoughts and ideas. Spiritually recharges you physically, strengthening faith and optimism. Wonderful stone for higher attunement and reminds you of divine origins. Brings a universal connection to everything and a feeling of oneness. Blue Topaz - is valuable particularly when used on the throat chakras creating balance and helping to release blockages between the heart and the throat chakras. It promotes understanding and expression of our spiritual and personal truths. It promotes a sense of inner peace and can facilitate communication with spirit guides and our higher selves. Good for artistic inspirations. This color attunes to the angels of truth and wisdom. Topaz increases understanding and helps us appreciate and to share the wisdom that we have gained from our studies and experiences. Topaz helps those who find it difficult to open their hearts, and makes us more receptive to love, truth and forgiveness. It also heightens our awareness of the effect and influence that our thoughts and actions can have on others. It cleanses the aura and supports our spiritual development. Topaz said to help with manifestation and to help us create positive changes in our lives. It is great for calming the nervous system and dispersing tension. Topaz’s vibrant energy brings joy, generosity, abundance and good health. It is wonderful to use for affirmations, manifestations and visualizations. The facets are said to have both positive and negative energies and requests of the universe can be focused on and manifested on the earth plane. Excellent for clearing the aura and helping to ease stress and tension. Topaz can speed up spiritual growth and development where it has been laborious. Helps to diminish doubt and uncertainty. Helps one to realize their own inner riches and for this abundance, it will make you generous and want to share your good fortune. Aids in problem-solving, helps in expressing ideas and provides good judgment. Healing Use: Topaz is a calming stone. It is said to help with detoxing the body. It aids the liver, spleen and calms the nervous system. The different colours relate to different areas – Blue Topaz - Throat chakra. Good for balancing the body. Helps arrogance and obsessive passion. It aids tissue regeneration and improves emotional balance, bringing in a sense of peace and is associated with the heart, throat and brow chakras. Imperial Topaz - Solar Plexus chakra and navel. Good for hormones, liver and gallbladder. Golden or Imperial Topaz is linked to the sacral and crown chakras. It imparts mental clarity and focus. It is said to help minimise mood swings, insomnia, worries and exhaustion and helps balance blood sugars. All topaz is useful for reducing stress and related conditions. White Topaz - works on all chakras. Excellent emotional support. Good for digestion, combats anorexia, heightens the taste buds, fortifies the nerves and stimulates the metabolism. How to use: Wear on ring finger or place on appropriate chakras for healing. An elixir can be made and applied to the skin. How to Cleanse & Recharge: Colored topaz should not be placed in direct sunlight as it can fade, so water cleansing, smudging, light of the full moon and reiki cleansing are all suitable. The mineral is quite hard, so store away from softer stones which may be scratched by it. It is also advisable to avoid extreme temperature changes.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 05:28:05 +0000

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