DAY 2 OF OUR FASTING AND PRAYERS THE COMMON DEEDS THAT HINDER UNCOMMON PRAYERS BIBLE READING: I Kings 8:30: ”And may You hear the supplication of Your servant and of Israel, when they pray toward this place Hear in heaven Your dwelling place You hear, forgive” There are many factors that can make your prayer not be answer. All these must be sincerely abide with in our daily lives. Everyone desire for quick and positive responds for their prayer but not everyone get their ultimate result because of the following factors. Not ask in specific term: For prayer to be effective, you must ask in specific terms. Know what you want. Say what you want so clearly that when the answer comes you don’t wonder whether it really is from God. Jesus taught us to pray, “Give us this daily bread” (Matt 6 11). “Us” is who? “This day” is when? ‘Our daily bread” is what? Pray specifically. Un-Confess sin: If there is un-confessed sin in your life, God will not answer your Prayer. “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear” (Ps 66 18). It’s as simple as this: If there is sin in your life, God will not hear you. One of the best things can do when you begin to pray is to say, ‘Father, show me any sin in my life. Forgive me of my sin. Get everything that is in me cleaned up so that I can come into Your presence and feel Your power and Your grace” Take the time to allow God to search your heart and convict you of specific sin you have committed. Refuse to forgive: And God will not hear your prayers if you refuse to forgive ( you do not forgive another person, God cannot forgive you (Matt. 6:15). If God does not forgive you, then God beholds iniquity in your heart. If you have an unforgiving spirit toward another person, God will never answer you or your prayer. I don’t care if you go to church seven times a week, be a church worker or an elder or pastor, if you do not forgive other your prayer will not be answer. Jesus Christ declares it openly that “Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift” (Matt. 5:23). Dear friend, stop pretending as though God doesn’t see you or know your deeds. First be reconciled to that person, and then your will be answered. Is not that God is far from you nor that is not heard your prayer or not that He has no power to do what you requested for, but because of the above factors. Therefore, make use of this message to achieve your prayer dreams. It is well with you in Jesus name, amen! PRAYER BOMBS FOR TODAY 1. My God and my Lord, I confess all my sins before you today, have mercy upon me and set me free from the bondage in the name of Jesus 2. O Lord my God, in your uncommon favour forgive me all my wrong deeds from my childhood till today in the name of Jesus 3. In your uncommon favour and divine mercy, my God and my Lord, wash away every signs of sins in me in Jesus name 4. Every door of evil deeds that open into my life close by the Blood of Jesus 5. Lord, in your uncommon favour, set all my possessions that has been kept in the prison of the devil as a result of my wrong doings in Jesus name 6. Read Psalm 51 and use all the verses to pray.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 14:30:56 +0000

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