DAY 2 SUNDAY THE 26TH OCTOBER after very little sleep we packed - TopicsExpress


DAY 2 SUNDAY THE 26TH OCTOBER after very little sleep we packed up and gathered for the start line at first light.. Today was going to be tough for many reasons..knowing my mum and sister would not be at the finish line,hills hills and more hills,fatiged body, MY MAIN AIM TODAY WAS TO GET TO FRANKSTON then knowing its fairly flat from then..i struggled through the first two pit stops..i was sent off a few minutes before my team on this pitstop just so I could get up the road a bit while others werent quite ready..upon leaving this pit stop it was straight into the mt Martha hill..on my own I climbed this hill that didnt seem to end..after hearing the ladys speech at the start line the day before my thoughts were only 10 mins of hell for me compared to what she is going through..finally in frankston and my team finally catch up ..we still had 15k to our lunch break... At this point it was like my body shut down..i become emotional , fatigued and was just not comfortable..all along getting to frankston was neally the end and my body thought it was.. just as we approached lunch we gathered a solo cyclist into our group..he was sporting a yellow flag meaning he is either fighting or beaten cancer.. his name was Blair.. During lunch I was so uncomfortable anxious and really feeling terrible.. We finally left the lunch stop and was riding with blair out the front.. Blair had never riden in a bunch before so I ws teaching him as much as I have ever been taught.. We got chatting about Blairs story and the years of chemo and radiation hospital stays his wife and kids ..we also spoke about my story as well...2 middle aged guys wiping tears from eyes at the front of the bunch.. After hearing Blairs story I gained a new strength and my fatigued body was numb.. I was setting a cracking pace and we had to hide Blair in the bunch to was at this point Daniel Jackson (scratcher) placed his hand on blairs back and helped him up a rise that he was struggling with.. Blair stated later that this act of kindness and support from our team had bought him to tears and would never ever forget that moment.. into our last stop.we are all feeling pumped ..a quick tv interview for lisa and on the road again.. This was to be a slow trip in as many cyclist had joined our bunch .. I noticed a girl on her own with doing this for dad written on her ride jersey..i leant over and told her her dad would be so proud of this stage I see she has a big picture of her dad on her handle bars..we swap storys another moment that chockes you up..this girls bike then has a problem..again team #GIDDYUP TO CONQUER CANCER are there to assist..the girl was stocked and of we go again.. Upon entering the albert park precint I had to avoid lisa knowing we would set each other off crying.. We stopped at the top of the straight to phone text people we have arrived.. We gave blair the honour of leading us across the line.. the noise was deafning . crossing the line I gave a kiss to the sky in honour of my family...some team hugs and tears followed .. it was awesum to see bec carrol and her girls their...thanks to sophie and tim for being there..thanks to lisas family... To lisa ,dave,scratcher and adam I can not thank you enough for everything...some testing emotional times over 2 days..nothing but teamwork ,support and love from the team.. Again this is something I will remember forever.. OVER 4 MILLION DOLLARS RAISED.. THANK YOU LOVE FLATTY
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 05:42:08 +0000

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