DEAR PROTESTORS OF FERGUSON: I think it’s time for you to - TopicsExpress


DEAR PROTESTORS OF FERGUSON: I think it’s time for you to pack your sh**, go home, and STAY home. That goes for all the rest of you heathen animals in every other city attempting to disrupt business and affect holiday sales as well. Since I don’t think the collective intelligence of this entire group matches that of a swarm of gnats on a hot summer day, I’m going to ask a few questions, but then I’m also going to give you the answers to them rather than risk you getting them wrong. How does your HUNDREDS of gun shots, BURNED buildings, RUINED personal property, and THREATS to other citizens based SOLELY on their SKIN COLOR make your case that racially motivated crimes must be stopped? NOTHING suggests the death of Michael Brown was racially motivated… NOTHING… and you all KNEW that before you rioted BECAUSE YOU GOT YOUR HANDS ON A LEAKED COPY OF THE GRAND JURY TESTIMONY. In that testimony, you learned BEFORE the verdict was even read that a jury of his peers, based on evidence in hand (including testimony from the BLACK community), NOT EMOTIONS, determined Officer Wilson had NO RACIAL MOTIVE, inferred or otherwise. YOUR actions, however, have a VERY clear intent. You IMBECILES have been caught on camera being very vocal about your intent to harm white people, so it is VERY CLEAR that YOUR actions to harm others ARE racially motivated… the very crime your are purporting to put an end to. Let’s give you the benefit of the doubt, and despite ALL the evidence to the contrary, let’s assume officer Wilson’s motivation was racial. How exactly are your actions showing the world that crimes motivated by race must be stopped? He was one man. You number in the THOUSANDS! You know what message you’re sending me? You’re sending me the message that the RACISM in YOUR community is VASTLY disproportionate to that of the population at large. Youre also sending me the message a rabid mob cannot be reasoned with. Forget the tear gas. Forget the riots gear. LIVE AMMO!!! YOUR actions, the ones that fly in the face of EVERYTHING you are allegedly protesting, have now resulted in the DEATH of a young boy in the BLACK COMMUNITY. As I said in a previous post, I have no problems with you peacefully protesting, and I don’t think anyone else does either, no matter how misguided you may be in your facts. HOWEVER, once that peaceful protest becomes violent, you are a danger to yourselves, and to others. Like any other CANCER, social or otherwise, you must be STOPPED in your tracks before you are permitted to spread. I’ve seen countless video clips of people bemoaning their “Right to Free Speech” or their “Right to Protest.” Since I’d be shocked if 5% of you have EVER opened the Constitution, let me see if I can EDUCATE you a little. The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. TAKE A MOVEMENT AND READ THAT AGAIN… Do you see the words “Peacefully Assemble?” I do. Do you see anything about firing off hundreds of rounds of ammunition? What about pipe bombs? Looting? Burning buildings to the ground? Putting others in fear of their lives? Do you see any of that in there? No. You don’t. Would you like to know why? BECAUSE IT’S NOT FREAKING IN THERE! As for your Right to Free Speech, it is not a license to say what you please. There ARE limitations on your Right to Free Speech. Just like you cannot legally yell “FIRE” in a crowded theater, speech that is DIRECTED toward INCITING or producing IMMINENT lawless action, and is LIKELY to incite or PRODUCE such action (A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER) can be LEGALLY be restricted. Once again you FOOLS are WRONG. That’s what you get when you listen to Jackasses like Al Sharpton. SEE THE VIDEO OF MICHAEL BROWN’S STEPFATHER IN THE POST! ANY QUESTIONS? AS FOR THE DEAD BLACK BOY THAT YOU ALL KILLED, THOSE WHO WERE PRESENT ARE GUILTY OF MANSLAUGHTER AT THE MINIMUM, OR PERHAPS MURDER. Yes, MURDER. I’m not going to waste my time looking up the law in Missouri because I don’t live there. I don’t care. I suggest someone there look into it. At common law, which most modern statutes are based on or closely resemble, murder was defined as: THE UNLAWFUL KILLING OF ANOTHER HUMAN BEING COMMITTED WITH MALICE AFORETHOUGHT. Under the common law, MALICE falls into one of FOUR categories. Pay careful attention, this is for a charge of MURDER. I did not say MANSLAUGHTER. ONE of the FOUR is: ABANDONED AND MALIGNANT HEART MURDER. That happens when someone REALIZES that the conduct they are engaging in is SO CAVALIER, and has SUCH A DISREGARD FOR HUMAN LIFE and death resulted. Can we agree that the RABID MOB that ended up killing this young BLACK boy KNEW that their conduct of rioting (setting fires, flipping police cars, shooting guns, etc.) was SO CAVALIER and had SUCH A DISREGARD FOR HUMAN LIFE that DEATH RESULTED? YOUR DAMN RIGHT WE CAN SAY THAT! I don’t care who is out there in Ferguson, or all these other cities where people are NOT, I repeat NOT exercising their LAWFUL right to PEACEFULLY ASSEMBLE, I say, “GO HOME!” I say, “SHUT UP!” I say, “RETREAT NOW, WHILE YOU STILL CAN!” Regardless of race, religion, shoe size, or any other criteria, if you are part of these MOBS you are a DANGER to those around you. You are VASTLY outnumbered by Americans who want to live in peace, but will defend our homes if need be. UNLIKE YOU, MOST OF US HAVE BEEN VERY TOLERANT… BUT OUR TOLERANCE FOR LAWLESSNESS IS RUNNING OUT! A YOUNG BOY HAS DIED AT YOUR HANDS. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! GO HOME, BEFORE THIS GETS OUT OF HAND. Read on...
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 14:56:50 +0000

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