DESTROYING THE VICTIM MINDSET!! The primary goal of a leader is - TopicsExpress


DESTROYING THE VICTIM MINDSET!! The primary goal of a leader is not to create a victim mindset in people, but to destroy it. Leaders were supposed to lift people from a victim lifestyle into a life of freedom, maturity and responsibility. I saw this in the life and ministry of Christ; those who came to him as victims, didnt live perpetually with the victim mindset and lifestyle. There were lifted and given a greater sense of purpose to live for. Peter, James and John and Mary Magdalene were all beneficiaries of the leadership style of Jesus Christ. What is a victim mindset? A victim mindset is the notion that someone else or some circumstances of ones past and present are responsible for the lifestyle of an individual. Thus, an individual who sees himself as a victim, holds others responsible and blame circumstances for his state of being. Victims believe they cant really do anything to change their situation since they didnt cause it. They always expect people to sympathize with them and to accept them as they are, even though they have all it takes to transform their lives. Ones past doesnt determine ones future. No matter the circumstances of ones childhood experience, its possible for every made believe victim to overcome his past and to live a life of dignity in the present and future. Looking for excuses for an addiction leaves one perpetually as an addict. Accepting responsibility for ones lifestyle and determining to break free from any bondage marks the end of the victim mindset and lifestyle. Praying for a victim without destroying his victim mindset leaves him in the same situation. Thats the mistake most Christian leaders are making; they spend enormous time praying for people, without destroying the mindset behind their lifestyles. Jesus Christ is not building a church of victims, but of victors. Take it or leave it, but its the truth. Christ came to lift people, not to create a haven for victims in the church. You come to Christ with a victim mindset, but you arent supposed to live like that perpetually. Thats the gospel truth preachers should be telling people. Making people comfortable in their mess and giving them excuses for their lifestyles doesnt make them better human beings. It only makes the finish work of Christ of no effect in the lives of people. There is freedom from all forms of addictions and negative lifestyles, but the choice is ours. Christ made provision for our freedom, but we must be willing to be free to experience freedom. Its time to walk out of any victim mindset you have built overtime. Let Christ in and he will make you free. Pack out of any church where you are not told the truth; let the truth of God’s word be your criteria for attending a church. Have a blessed day! DrBenard Etta
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 00:43:00 +0000

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