DONT BE SATANS FOOTBALL The word - TopicsExpress


DONT BE SATANS FOOTBALL The word supernatural is a combination of two words- superior and natural. The supernatural is something superior 2d natural,which can compel d natural 2 obey it. The supernatural can cause things 2 happen contrary 2d laws of nature. While d natural sees dry bones as dead & dry,d supernatural on d other hand can make dry bones 2 live & reverse d irrersible. It is my prayer 4U dat 4rm 2day,d supernatural by d Holy Spirit will prevail over every situatn U find urself in Jesus name. In 2 Kings 6:1-7,when d borrowed axe head fell into d river,d man of God took a piece of wood & threw it into d river. On contact with d anointing on d man of God,d wood sank & what was meant 2b @ d bottom of d river came 2d surface & began 2 float. In d name of Jesus,all impossibility in ur life will contact d power of God & they will become possibilities in Jesus name. Amen. Why does d church need d supernatural? It is needful bcos d average human being loves something supernatural,which can either be 4rm God or Satan. We know dat we are more than just flesh & blood. Every man or woman comprises of spirit,soul & body & d spirit inside everyone longs 4d supernatural. Un4tunately, those who are yet 2 know Jesus Christ as Lord & Saviour end up falling in2 satans net by joining d occult & practicing withcraft. Some do so 4 prosperity,security,healing,good luck etc. However,they do not know that,they have consequently given d devil a foothold over their lives. Spiritual forces control d physical & this is why people want 2b players in d realm of d supernatural. Know dis 2day dat d Divine supernatural far supercedes d negatv satanic supernatural. In ur life,do U see d operations of d supernatural? Is it positv or negatv? Ur quest shld b 2 have d positv supernatural & not d negatv 1 which can put U in bondage & turn U in2 satans 4tball. Pray dat Father,i will not be a satan 4tball. Pray dat satan wil not use u 2 complete his agenda in life.. Moral lesson: D world is waiting 4 ur manifestatn according 2 Romans 8:19. When will U manifest Gods Power & Glory. Have a nice day.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 06:20:42 +0000

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