DREAMERS!! I NEED YOUR HELP! I HAVE NO WHERE ELSE TO GO. okay my story with art started when i was young i used to love to draw disney cartoon figures and cartoonic stuff.gradually i got interested in drawing portraits and my first portrait was this ---> https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=432283906812782&set=a.430741123633727.86016.428109763896863&type=3&theater Then gradually i drew more and more portraits.now i face a problem that i have ZERO and i mean ZERO creativity.I only IMITATE what i see infront of me.If u ask me to draw something from my mind i go blank and when i try to draw without a reference photo my drawing looks as if a 5year old kid has drawn it. one my other problems is that i can never get my drawing to look exactly like the person iam trying to draw.for example if i draw angelina jolie,my drawing wud not resemble her ,its as if i created a new person with new facial features and if i ask anyone who do u think i have drawn they tell me ummmmm we dont know who is that person u have drawn....an example of how my portraits dont look like the people i draw is my drawing of jim carrey the link is --> https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=572249189482919&set=pb.428109763896863.-2207520000.1389901097.&type=3&src=https%3A%2F%2Ffbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net%2Fhphotos-ak-ash3%2Ft31%2F704032_572249189482919_1334320219_o.jpg&smallsrc=https%3A%2F%2Ffbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net%2Fhphotos-ak-frc3%2Ft1%2F995710_572249189482919_1334320219_n.jpg&size=1474%2C2017 I feel lost ..i feel as if i dont have my own direction or style.IAM IN THIS MAZE.i have no one to direct me...or maybe tell me where iam going wrong.iam a self taught artist and i would like to evolve just like u people.BUT i dont go anywhere i still stand still in my place.I FEEL like a complete loser and sometimes i wonder why do i even try.why do i even bother to continue with art.I feel completely depressed right now.The only drawing that i might be 60% proud of would be this one----> https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=589654341075737&set=a.428123863895453.85355.428109763896863&type=1&theater iam sorry for the long post but if anyone cud help post your comment below.CAUSE right now i feel like this worthless empty person just cause i cant come up with my own creative drawings or ideas ....CAN ANYONE GUIDE IS TO WHERE IAM GOING WRONG?or can u tell me what shud i do here forth?shud i concentrate on one medium of art only or shud i be diverse? shud i watch videos on the internet teaching people basics? how can i find my way? how can i find what iam suppose to do with my passion and love for art? what direction shud i take?what videos do u guys recommend me? P.S-I have been drawing since i was about 9-11years old (iam not sure abt the age i started drawing in)right now iam 17years old and i mostly draw in pencil and i rarely paint with acrylics.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 20:20:18 +0000

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