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Dailyword & PRAYERS NOVEMBER 16,2014 (II Tim. 4:6–8).for I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the Faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness, which the Lord, the Righteous Judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also who love His appearing Paul wrote this last Epistle to Timothy, entrusting him with the greatest Message on Earth, “Jesus Christ and Him Crucified,” and all which that means, which is, in fact, the entirety of the New Covenant. This Epistle was written from the Mammertine Prison in Rome. During Paul’s day, this was merely a cell beneath a cell. In other words, it had no outside entrance; everything had to be let down through a trap door in the ceiling. It had been carved out of solid rock. This cell stills exists today, and I have been in it. As I stood there that day, along with others, I cannot even begin to tell you how I felt, knowing that the great Apostle had spent his last months of life in this cell, and knowing that he had written his last Epistle (II Timothy) from this very place. I began to read Verses 6, 7, and 8, but I could not finish. One might say, “The Apostle Paul is possibly the greatest example of Righteousness produced by Christ.” There never has been anyone else quite like the little Jew from Tarsus. When Paul said, “I am now ready to be offered,” he knew, no doubt by the Holy Spirit, that his work was finished. The word “offered” in the Greek is “spendomai,” which refers to a Drink Offering poured out. Paul uses the same word in Philippians 2:17. He looks upon himself as the libation poured out upon the sacrifice. The libation refers to the lesser part of the sacrifice poured out onto the more important part, i.e., the Drink Offering poured out upon the sacrifice of the lamb. Only one who considered himself less than the least of all Saints could write with such deep humility. The phrase, “And the time of my departure is at hand,” proclaims the fact that Paul’s work is over; otherwise, Nero could not have taken his life. The servant of the Lord is immortal until his life’s work is done. The phrase, “I have fought a good fight,” should have been translated, “I have fought the good fight,” because this is the way it is written in the original Greek. Paul wasn’t speaking of himself as fighting a good fight, but rather that he had fought the correct fight. It speaks of an action completed in the past with present results. Paul fought his fight with sin to a finish, and was resting in a complete victory. The phrase, “I have finished my course,” has reference to a race course. The words, “have finished,” is a like a Greek runner who has crossed the finish line and is now resting at the goal. Paul’s life’s work is over. The phrase, “I have kept the Faith,” refers to that to which the Lord had entrusted him. He had been given the meaning of the New Covenant; he also had been called upon to plant (or found) the Church. He was the Masterbuilder of the Church. Paul had defended the great truth of the New Covenant, which is the truth of the Cross, in every way. He had defended it against the attacks of the Gnostics, the Judaizers, and others. He never allowed it to be compromised, perverted, polluted, or hindered in any way. We have what we have today because, against all odds, Paul “kept the Faith.” The “crown” to which he refers is, in the Greek, “stephanos,” and refers to the “victor’s crown.” The victor’s crown of righteousness is the crown which belongs to, or is the due reward of, Righteousness. The One Who will grant that is “The Righteous Judge,” Who is the just Judge, the Umpire Who makes no mistakes, and Who is always fair. This “crown” will be given to all “who love His appearing.” We might say that Paul, the spiritual athlete, his victory won, is resting at the goal post, awaiting the award which the Judge’s stand will give him (Wuest). PRAYER REQUEST>>>KEEP>>>>> Kevin Stamper………….Ive been diabled since 2005, in 2012 my wife had open heart surgery and has Sjogrens Syndrone. She is unable to work and has been turned down for SS by the judge, we have exhausted our finaces, we are saved and believing God for a miricale! PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>> Joanne…………Margaret had breast surgery for removing cancer, but the cancer is back. We will meet her at the local airport tomorrow and help her get to the international terminal: for her ride to her home in New Zealand. Pray for her safe journey & that we are helpful to her. Pray for her healing from the cancer; Gods will be done. PRAYER REQUEST>>>KEEP>>>>> LINSEY>>>IN PRAYER FOR HEALING HAS CANCER PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Johan……………I am 74 and recently a malignet pollip was removed during an operation.I also have a cyst on my pancreas . Dear Lord I praise you for all the blessings and grace I was privileged to receive in my life.I know that you have spared my live at many occasions .I ask you to please take care of my bladder and my pancreas . I ask this in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Jean………………..Our younger son, Mark and wife just had a baby 4 weeks ago. Im retired. Ive been giving them a big portion of my pension every month for 3 months so far, so they can pay their bills. His wife had to quit her job while pregnant. Mark is working but doesnt make enough alone to pay the bills. Im struggling to pay our bills. Im supporting my brother, who is challenged, for 41 years and my mom. My mom died on Oct. 3. We have less income to help my brother now. Im worried. Please, I need miracle prayers to help me somehow not to lose all my savings, and to be able to pay our monthly bills, and our familys, without a problem. I need to be able to save some money, also. Please help. I believe in prayer, and miracles. Thank you so much. PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Melanie ……Full Custody of my daughter My ex husband fraudently signed/forged/altered my name on a parenting plan and submitted it to the courts. Making us make a 50/50 shared plan with our daughter. Unfortunately, the court signed off on it unknowingly and I have just been made aware. There was extreme domestic violence towards myself and previous children in our marriage. PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Rebeca…………husbands surgery ………..Michael is my husband even thu we dont leave together I would like prayer for his surgery Oct 3.Spinal to repair disc that have been crushing his nerves and has difficult walking.Michael has had many surgery and many many difficult times healing. Please pray for his surgery he is having, pray that our god is watching over the doctors that are doing the surgery to guide them,i ask for prayer so he could heal and not have any complications.please please pray for him. PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Mary……………..suffering from cancer, taking chemotherapy I would like prayer for myself as I am taking chemo therapy treatments right now. I am feeling better and the pain is not as bad, but I would like prayer for me ……request prayer for me during this time that I am receiving chemotherapy treatments PRAYER REQUEST>>>KEEP>>>>>HARRIET PACKER….IN PRAYER FOR A COMPLETE HEALING PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Israel J………The loss of our Sun to cancer. It has been difficult that Chris our son has passed away I know Chris has gone to to be with the LORD, this I am positive. Please prey for my wife Florence and my daughter Lisa to rejoice, for Chris has gone to be with the LORD AMEN. To God be the glory. PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Jamie Schultz PLEASE everyone pray for Harper. Bad car crash. Really bad concussion. Vomiting and not staying awake. They said its a a really bad concussion and she has fo sleep sitting up so she doesnt choke on vomit should she throw up again. One car in ditch, andrews car spun around then got hit by a semi. PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Dawn Rearick…………….Back at GMC with my momma..hopefully they figure out whats going on n help her feel better soon!! PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>>> Deanna Dauberman………….Not feeling well today, I was to the ER on Wednesday for diverticulitis. I felt better yesterday but not feeling to hot today. Praying I feel better tomorrow.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 01:44:00 +0000

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