Dar City Center - DCC - Is Bebe Cool’s new ‘Everywhere I go’ - TopicsExpress


Dar City Center - DCC - Is Bebe Cool’s new ‘Everywhere I go’ video worth the wait? Bebe Cool’s new video, ‘Everywhere I go’, which first made news when photos from the video shoot showed Bebe kissing a Zulu model as Zuena stared at them, has kept fans on their toes waiting for it to drop for the last 21 days. The video which is one of the most talked about before premiere comes off the Gagamel’s boss upcoming album called Go Mama that will be launched this year. According to our sources, Bebe has been pushing the video to international TV stations to premiere it before he brings it to local stations like Bukedde. He has, however, been turned down by several of these TV stations. This has left fans wondering why the same stations which were ready to play his Love You Everyday video that was released last year are not willing to play this one. Some have asked if the video is worth it at all. “Last year, all TV stations wanted to play his Love You Everyday video because it was good. But now the same TVs have refused to take on his new video called Everywhere I go. Really, is this video worth it and the hype that has been surrounding it? What then explains the fact that international stations don’t want to play it? He should just release it on YouTube and we see,” said a fan. The video is now on his laptop at home as Bebe Cool makes phone calls left right and centre to get international networks to play it according to information from our sources. “The thing is that Bebe wants the video to premiere at the same time on like four TV stations. He wants it on Trace. Channel O, Sound city and MTV Base on the same day. Most of the managers of these networks are not willing to give him the privilege of adding the video to their playlists just yet. Even Channel O rejected it recently. He is still on the phone with his contacts trying to get it out there,” the source said. Fans on the other hand recently demanded for the singer’s head after he promised them that it would premiere on 1st January 2014 only to wait for it in vain. The video that was shot by GodFather Productions in South Africa features Bebe Cool kissing a Zulu model in some parts. It was shot with Zuena on location looking on with sad eyes as his hubby played kissing games with the model. It should be remembered that Dr. Jose Chameleone survived being lynched by fans a few months back during the video premiere of his Wale Wale video. The singer who promised to premiere his video at Club Silk ended up showing fans a snippet of the video, He then told them to “wait for the official premiere on Trace TV”, fans almost had him for supper until he dashed from the scene. We will keep you posted. Staff Writer. Vodafone has some offers for you. Check them out here The post Is Bebe Cool’s new ‘Everywhere I go’ video worth the wait? appeared first on Bigeye.ug.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 11:32:08 +0000

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