Dawn has a share: This is a little long but I wanted to share our - TopicsExpress


Dawn has a share: This is a little long but I wanted to share our experience so far working with Dr. Michael Goldberg, nids.net/ Dr. Goldberg believes that our kids are physically ill with allergies/immune dysfunction, which leads to viral and possibly bacterial and fungal infections. Our son is 9, diagnosed two years ago with SPD, ADD, hypotonia, problems with fine and gross motor skills, executive functioning, and learning disabilities. He had the neurospect brain scan and we met with Dr. Goldberg near the end of February. There was also lab work with lots of tests including immune function. His diet is a little different: dairy is out but goat milk/cheese is okay if your child can tolerate it; no whole grains of any kind, but white bread is fine, just limited; no nuts, berries or tropical fruits (including coconut and tapioca); limited carbs, and sugar is mainly fruit; lots of meat and veggies. We had already made dietary changes but tweaked them after our meeting and he started taking Claritin. He started sleeping better right away and his complexion cleared up. Last month he started Valacyclovir, the generic for Valtrex. Exactly one week later he did two things he’d never done before: took his dish to the sink without being asked and picked up a book and started reading on his own! He has trouble tracking, etc. and had never wanted to read before. He says it’s easier now and has read a little almost every day since. He also, for the first time ever, started sleeping in his own bed all night! The psychologist with his boy’s social group says he’s smiling more and needing fewer and shorter breaks from the rest of the group. He played with a neighbor two days in a row with no problems. We’re noticing he’s been more expressive when talking like he used to be, and not so sullen, less argumentative, and just acting a little more mature in general. We were warned things might get worse and sure enough about three weeks in he had a couple of headaches, was more emotional, and had a couple of meltdowns, but it lasted less than a week. Dr. Goldberg has strong opinions and has no use for DAN doctors, saying he’s seen the brain damage that can be caused by chelation, HBOT, and high doses of some of the supplements. He doesn’t think MTHFR and vaccines play a role though he believes vaccines should be spread out and never given if the child is sick. As thrilled as we are about the progress so far, I find myself angry at what we had to go through and how long it took to find real help. Our kids are not a “one size fits all” and there’s certainly room for discussion about some of the causes and treatments but the one constant among so much research seems to be that nearly all our kids have allergies/immune dysfunction. So why don’t pediatricians know this and address it? Why doesn’t the SPD Foundation mention it on their website? As valuable as other treatments may be, how much more effective would they be if the child’s physical ills were being addressed too? I really feel mainstream medicine is failing us badly.
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 18:00:01 +0000

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