Day 21 of our 21 day fast: Read Daniel 12 and Revelation 4. See - TopicsExpress


Day 21 of our 21 day fast: Read Daniel 12 and Revelation 4. See your future door. As a result of reading Daniel, we find out he did four specific things to bring an end to Israel’s captivity: 1. He prayed and fasted. Jeremiah was specific in saying that the Lord would turn a deaf ear to His people for 70 years. Now, however, Daniel knew that the kairos time had come to beseech the Lord for an end to captivity. 2. He repented for himself and his people. Daniel confessed and repented not only for his own sin, but for the sins, iniquities, and failures of the Israelites that resulted in their captivity in the first place. 3. He received an angelic visitation. God honored Daniel’s efforts and sent His archangel, Michael. After three weeks of prayer, fasting, and repentance, an angel appeared to Daniel to tell him what was written in the “Book of the Future.” In other words, he told Daniel what would happen to his people. 4. He received revelation of the future. Because of Jeremiah’s prophecy, Even though times ahead will change rapidly and may be difficult, we have great confidence that God will give us the revelation we need to move forward. When we are overwhelmed by our present circumstances and apparent defeats, we must hear the Lord speak to us, just as He did to Jeremiah, “Is there anything too hard for Me?” God has given us several keys as we have prayed through this 21 day fast: 1. God has wisdom greater than any worldly wisdom we see. 2. Powers and principalities do not have access to this wisdom. 3. The authority of demonic forces is limited. 4. There is wisdom that has been hidden since the beginning of time, for His glory. 5. Through the redemptive cross of Jesus Christ, you have access to this wisdom. 6. God is prepared to release this wisdom to us as we get to know Him intimately, through prayer. 7. This wisdom will overthrow high places and release captives. 8. Wisdom dismantles demonic structures and dethrones thrones of iniquity. Remember, any demonic force holding a territory captive cannot withstand the wisdom that God will release to His people. Consistent praying overcomes our adversary! The following focus is the result of our fast: • First, may you understand covenant in a way you have never understood before. • Second, may your faith be built and connected to your experiences from the past. • Third, may your prayer life become more consistent. • Fourth, may you press through in that hard situation that seems overwhelming. • Fifth, may you break through for revelation in the future. • Sixth, may you gain peace in the midst of the “lions” around you. • Seventh, may our Lord reveal to you that open door for your future! Thank you for fasting with us. God bless you as you walk through the open door in 2014.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 10:32:39 +0000

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