Day 3 of 40 DAYS OF PRAYER “PUSH” A steady stream of - TopicsExpress


Day 3 of 40 DAYS OF PRAYER “PUSH” A steady stream of comments, praise and answers to prayer has been coming into my “inbox” Monday and Tuesday. And, at this writing we have not completed day 2 yet, but by the time you get this email DAY 3 will be under way. Rather than me sending a devotional I wanted to send the comments of Len Empie as he studied II Chronicles 7:14 and what it meant to him. He has explained it very well and I believe it will be a blessing and help to you. Before reading his comments, read the verse again. Keep PUSHING (PRAY UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS). By the way…Len passed his Captain’s test. If he isn’t now, he really will be flying high!! J Keep praying!! God is doing and will continue to do AMAZING THINGS!! “IF MY PEOPLE WHO ARE CALLED BY MY NAME, WILL HUMBLE THEMSELVES AND PRAY AND SEEK MY FACE AND WILL TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, THEN WILL I FORGIVE THEIR SIN AND HEAL THEIR LAND.” II Chronicles 7:14 (NIV) See Len’s comments below. Pastor Carnes From: Len Empie [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 7:52 PM To: Gerald Carnes Subject: RE: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER DAY 1 Pastor, I had an amazing time of prayer today in the midst of the business of training for Captain. I believe if I keep my priorities in line, and always work to keep God first, he will honor that and help me pass my exams. Today I wanted to get the context of the II Chronicles 7:14 passage, so I went back to the middle of Chapter 6. It was where Solomon, in the height of his kingship got in front of his people, built a platform for all to see, and then GOT ON HIS KNEES AND PRAYED TO GOD! How incredibly humble and brave for a king to do. In his prayer, he asked God to Keep his promises, to hear them, to give them His attention, to teach them, to forgive them, to deal with their hearts, to hold them up, to forgive them (several requests for that), to be their advocate, to help them to Rejoice, and to accept them. Do you remember what happened after he prayed? Fire came from heaven, and consumed the sacrifices, and God’s glory filled the temple so richly that even the priests couldn’t enter!! Then God answered them: If they would be humble, If they would seek Him, If they would pray to Him, If they would turn from wickedness, and If they would walk in faithfulness, then he would Hear them, Forgive them, See them, Be with them, and establish them. BUT . . .If they turned away from Him, If they forsook Him, If they turned to other gods, he would uproot them, He would reject the temple, He would make them objects of ridicule and shame, and he would destroy the temple they built for Him. I don’t see any reason why we should believe any differently. If “I” am humble, if “I” seek Him, if “I” pray to Him, if “I” turn from wickedness, if “I” walk faithfully, then I believe that God will keep his promises , give me his attention, teach me, forgive me, deal with my heart, hold me up, advocate for me, help me to rejoice, and accept me. Yes he hears, he forgives, he sees me he is WITH me and he will establish me. Praise be to God! What a wonderful God we serve! Len From: Gerald Carnes [mailto:gcarnes@mariettanaz] Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 12:00 AM To: everyone@mariettanaz Subject: 40 DAYS OF PRAYER DAY 1 “WHAT TO DO, WHEN YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO” “CONFESS YOUR TRESPASSES TO ONE ANOTHER, AND PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER, THAT YOU MAY BE HEALED. THE EFFECTIVE, FERVENT PRAYER OF A RIGHTEOUS MAN AVAILS MUCH.” James 5:16 (NKJV) God does answer prayer. As we learn to pray we will also learn to discern His answers. An answer may be a “yes,” “no,” “not yet” or a “my grace is sufficient.” As we mature in our faith and our commitment to His will, it will be easier to accept answers that do not align with our expectations. In simple terms, this means it will be easier to take a “no” for an answer. We have been taught that God has a vantage point over our life and He knows what is best for us. It’s one thing to know this, but it takes time to grow in our faith where we continously put this type faith into practice. In difficult and painful situations it is natural to wonder why God is not intervening in a more tangible way. It is also natural when trying to discover God’s will for an important situation that our own personal feelings get in the way. Often we feel so strongly about something that we can’t get past our will to find His. If we feel compelled to pray about something then we are usually a long way from being neutural on the subject. It is so easy to come to God, “Convinced of what He should do.” Neutrality is essential in finding God’s will. That’s why Jesus began His model prayer by saying, “Your kingdom come, Thy will be done…” (Matt. 6:9-10). Surrendering to God’s will (even before we pray) removes some of the emotion attached to the request. It clears our hearts and minds and makes it easier for us to hear. Depending on the nature of the request, don’t be surprised if it takes time to reach the point of neutrality. If you aren’t sure how to pray about a certain issue, simply ask God, “Lord, what do want in this situation? What do you want me to do? What do want of me? What do You want out of this situation?” Ask the Lord for clarity on how He wants you to pray. And, sometimes even in doing all this, you still aren’t sure on what or how to pray. It’s here where you do what the Apostle Paul instructs us….you ask the Holy Spirit to make intercession for you. “LIKEWISE THE SPIRIT ALSO HELPS US IN OUR WEAKNESSES. FOR WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT WE SHOULD PRAY FOR AS WE OUGHT, BUT THE SPIRIT HIMSELF MAKES INTERCESSION FOR US…AND WE KNOW THAT ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THOSE WHO LOVE GOD…”. Romans 8:26 & 28 (NKJV) Sometimes we have to wait…and if you’re like me, this is the hardest thing to do. Believe – BELIEVE – BELIEVE with the absolute assurance that God loves you because you love Him. Know that He is working in your behalf. You wanted your answer yesterday or last month, but for whatever reason the answer at this time has been a “not yet.” That’s tough to take, but it doesn’t mean He is not working in your behalf. Take one step at a time and as often as possible breathe the prayer, “Lord, not my will but thine be done…”. The battle is the Lord’s not yours. Let Him fight it! I’m anticipating some miracles! How about you? Pastor Carnes
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 04:42:04 +0000

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