Day 4- Im thankful for my mother, my day one, my best friend, - TopicsExpress


Day 4- Im thankful for my mother, my day one, my best friend, the yin to my yang. My mother has been there for me since before birth. She has bathed me, changed me, held me, rocked me, kept me fed, wiped my tears, held my hand, she has taught me, loved me, scolded me, shes been here threw the smiles, laughs, tears and sickness and has been an all around good mother to me, even when I wasnt the best daughter! There was times where Ive hated her so much for being mean or not understanding my teen life! Now that I have Bryleigh I understand why she done what she had. My mother is hands down my idol, she has worked 2-3 jobs at a time to keep food on the table, a roof over our heads an nice clothes on our backs. She has instilled in us that nothing is given to us in life, we have to work for it. Although I didnt always get the $45 jeans I wanted or the $125 pair of crispy jordans my mother strived to give us what we needed and more. Even if I took it from her closet, which still happens to this day! My mother is a prime example of the women I want to become. I may not have had alot of money growin up, but I had a mom who would give me her last 25 cents for the gumball machine & id take that anyday. Im blessed for my mother!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 02:00:29 +0000

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