Day 4 of My Attitude for Gratitude Challenge. 1. Physical - TopicsExpress


Day 4 of My Attitude for Gratitude Challenge. 1. Physical health- i have been reinvigorated mentally and shared that growth with my body. i was and still am surprised by how a simple diet and simple exercises can affect your health and really only or he better and long term. My Uncle Jarvis always is saying he is gonna out live us and i truly hope he does!, but i want to accept his challenge and even as a 73 or 74 year old man he is fiery and active as all get out. Right, Cassilda Mendoza and anyone who has met him? and hes a big dude. Another uncle of mine Xavier Cueva is into martial arts and Kung Fu which has also spurned me on to continue my own martial arts experience and style. So with some help form by brother Joe Alfaro, hes a sports nutritionist, i have come to be grateful that force of will and general physical recovery can lead to the healthy life and body that you truly want regardless of age. 2. Friends- some of my friends or those that have spent a portion of my life with me are some of the people that i could not see for years and pick up right where we left off. some of these people have done untold kindnesses upon me and in return i say thanks for being there for me. i am grateful to have the chance to meet people even for a brief time because there is something tied into the relationship of what we do and life that requires us to pay attention to the little things. to be honest without some of these friends i would not know most of you here on Facebook or in the real world. so to all of you that get a chance to read this, thanks for being that other family that we have morphed into and tried to carve out our place her eon Earth. Marcus Deon Lewis is a cool cat who is willing to discuss any topic and he is funny as hell. Alan Shaver is a BBoy, old soul, ladies man, Army veteran, and of course cool and humorous Daren Gonzaba Balderaz is a gentleman who has an amazing personality and great attitude. he is one of the most friendly and considerate guys i ever got the chance to meet. His FB Family would agree with me. Tom Gadwa is a musically inclined listener and authority.a former member of the NBAC. Jenn Silguero is a cool lady. Nuff said. Guerra the OG showed me that ways of the basketball court and instilled a new perspective i always admired Rose Conchas was and is the big sister i both and her brother needed thanks for putting up with everything! There are a few people roaming the earth who probably will never see this but they are also included in this feeling i am having. 3. Family. Lately this word has been twisted and driven deep into me emotionally and physically at times. I love my family. even if i seem distant, or unfriendly, I love yall. I would do just about anything you could ask of me within reason. Since the loss of several family members we have changed dynamically. I will be here to observe and help where I can and i am grateful we are still together even if we dont get along at times. I think the lack of honesty face to face about whatever the issue is, is holding us back, but i only want to continue this journey of life with YOU people.(who you calling you people)j/k.... I just want to be on good terms, not fighting or not talking, or at least know coming together like we do will continue to happen. that tradition must continue. And through it all i forgive and have forgotten about any and all transgressions from here on out. i care about the lessons and memories of the people we lost. that is the past i care about not the fights and money or whatever. the future is something i want to be in the stories your kids and their kids tell. i hope to add a few more dammit. I seek not to hinder but to be help. at the very least i want to be in your family. we are family, always will be. i may not be the person or have some of the values you may care for, but i will never go against you but i will be me through and through even if it means being of a different view religiously, monetarily, physically, whatever the case maybe. but i am not gonna tear anyone down or give a bad attitude anymore i hope you can join me even if it sounds ridiculous. If not i will just wonder about it forever i guess, lolz. I challenge Anyone to take part in this Attitude for Gratitude Challenge posting 3 things you are grateful for five days challenging 3 people each day.. i spaced mine out but im gonna finish strong now!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 17:48:25 +0000

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