Day 49: Well, yesterday we finally got an answer as to what was - TopicsExpress


Day 49: Well, yesterday we finally got an answer as to what was going on with Cowboys intermittent lameness. In the morning he suddenly came up very lame while he was trotting on the lunge line and I decided to have one last vet (this would be our third opinion) come and look at him. After doing a flex test, blocking and finally X-rays, we have our diagnosis. Heartbreakingly so. Cowboy has a large bone chip in his front right leg just below his coronet band. It has probably been floating around for some time now and finally just worked its way into his joint. The Dr. felt he had probably had the chip for some time and that it came from him being so upright and post legged that he was predisposed to bone spurs and chips from the impact of his legs hitting the ground at his upright angle. We inquired about surgery, but due to the location of the chip it would cost somewhere between $5000-$10000. And we do not even know if that would fully correct the problem. All of us at the ranch are truly devastated. We adore this horse and the thought of him having to be put down has just broken all of our hearts. Needless to say, Cowboy is out of the 2014 Norco Extreme Mustang Makeover. I will be inquiring with a few different vets to see if anyone feels he could be made comfortable enough to be somebodys pasture ornament. If that is the case, I would so greatly appreciate it if my friends in the horse world could ask around to see if anyone would have room for him in their pasture. I will help transport him just about anywhere. I just dont want to give up on this sweet horse yet.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 15:30:24 +0000

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