Day 8 in the life of 50! Sunday 6th October 2013 In Memory of - TopicsExpress


Day 8 in the life of 50! Sunday 6th October 2013 In Memory of David Robin Mengersen 1937 – 2013 Written in awe, inspiration and admiration of his four daughters Kerry, Debbie, Janice, Wendy, wife Carole and all their family members who celebrated Dave’s life today Sunday 6th October 2013 in White Cliffs. I have attended many funerals in the 25yrs of living in White Cliffs and it never gets any easier in saying goodbye to the beautiful people that once graced our community with their unique, rare and individual personalities. Each and every one of them that have traveled onto the other side have left their essence of presence in the wonderful memories that we all continue to reminisce and talk about as well as carrying a piece of them within our heart even after they have gone physically from us. The physicality of human form is so precious in our life of living the peoples journey, we don’t realise until someone we love and care for deeply, no matter how long we have known them, is then no longer with us in their body. It’s the touch, conversations, hugs, kisses, cuddles, laughter, tears, hardships, disagreements, connection to family and friends, phone calls, everyday life and a million more things that we miss about them when they physically leave us. It’s always hard on those left behind as they are the ones feeling the physical loss, its normal and painful and takes time, love, care, understanding and support to move on in life without them being with you. Nothing really can prepare you for death whether its sudden or long term, it’s a life experience everyone at some time has to go through whether you like it or not, it will find you and literally eventually we will all die! So I guess what I’m saying is, it’s OK, be kind to yourself, allow yourself to feel all the feelings that will come, thankfully having little knowledge of death gives us our space to do the do! Every single person will experience loss and grief in their own personal way and no one can tell you how to deal with it, we just need understanding, love and support to know we are ok no matter how we feel! The Community of White Cliffs is a beautiful place to complete your journey in life as no matter who you are or what you had you are respected, celebrated and honored. In White Cliffs it’s a tradition to form a procession line from the pub corner, for me this is always the reality check that the person you heard has died really has! So today as I drove out in the procession of cars, I found it hard not to let my tears fall and feel the truth of reality and the grief and loss to all the Mengersen family. As I drove slowly out to the cemetery I could see 20 cars in front of me and as I looked in my rear view mirror I could see 40 more cars coming behind. That in itself is gut retching and honorable that so many people were coming to celebrate David Robin Mengersen’s life and contribution to his home town White Cliffs. A warm slightly windy day, a mulga tree individualized by its position within the cemetery with the perfectly placed aged mulga tree stump from Tarella Station that was firmly cemented under the protection and shade of the living Mulga tree. Graciously marked by a plague… David Robin Mengersen ‘Dave’ 1937 – 2013. An arch of people, family, friends and acquaintances encircled the tree. Words spoken by Debbie and ‘Cow Girls Don’t Cry’ sung by her granddaughter Emily with her husband playing the guitar! It was beautiful and a fitting grave side ceremony! The gathering at the White Cliffs Hotel continued the celebration of Dave, with Kerry, Wendy, Janice and Debbie sharing a little about their Dad and his love of Carole, his girls and White Cliffs. It was an honor to be present and to listen and share in the stories, community commitment and love David had for his family and everyone and everything he was involved with. David never was one for the accolades he was ‘ The Rock’ behind the driving force of his motivational and passionate wife Carole! So, I guess you’re thinking what is the point of all this writing, I guess that a part of the message is is that each and every one of us is an individual and brings to this life something special in one form or another… that somewhere… somehow… someone… will feel the befit of each and every one of these beautiful people that walk this earth and then leave us. Nothing lasts forever, life is forever changing, it’s us that has to allow ourselves the space to adjust and feel the lasting effects that all these souls have upon our existence as one day we too will join the queue and cross over, hoping to have left such an impression as Dave has, that will forever vertebrate across the generations and live on in the stories told and passed on like a long lost legend! For me meeting David & Carole and their wonderful daughters Kerry, Debbie, Janice & Wendy 25yrs ago has forever enriched my life. I have been embraced by them into their family as an additional daughter and I have been blessed to have gained four loving, crazy, fun, hilarious, humorous, honest, warm, kind welcoming sisters! Being a part of this family and witnessing the bond, commitment, closeness, love, what family should be is a gift of life, I am forever grateful that I was introduced to David and Carole they have given me more than they will ever know. I love you all, thank you so much David, Carole, Kerry, Debbie, Janice and Wendy for your unconditional love and support in my life thus far! I extend to you all my love and heartfelt compassion in the passing of your Dad, Husband, Brother, Cousin, Uncle, Grandfather, Great Grand Father and friend. Sending you all love light hugs and universal healing love and light now and forever. Love Donna-Lee Mitchell Raeah Ron xxxx I apologise that this is late, but yesterday I was completely buggered after such an emotionally beautifully day. I enjoyed and embraced every moment of it, but needed sleep! xxx
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 14:01:53 +0000

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