Dean’s column: Beyond the bottom - TopicsExpress


Dean’s column: Beyond the bottom line 政界和商界需双向流动 新加坡国立大学商学院院长 杨贤 为英国《金融时报》撰稿 中英文并排 When Suppiah Dhanabalan retired this year after 17 years as chairman of Temasek Holdings, Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund, the city state’s prime minister, Lee Hsien Loong, paid tribute to a man who had for half a century served in senior roles in government and business. 苏皮亚•丹那巴南(Suppiah Dhanabalan)在新加坡主权财富基金淡马锡控股(Temasek Holdings)担任了17年的董事长,今年他退休时,新加坡总理李显龙(Lee Hsien Loong)向这位在政府和商界担任要职长达半个世纪的人物表达了敬意。 He was, said Lee, an exemplary and inspirational leader, committed to serving with the highest standards of integrity and probity, backed up by thoughtfulness, resilience and care. 李显龙说,丹那巴南是一位堪称楷模、鼓舞人心的领导者,一直致力于按照最高的道德标准履行职责,并表现出了深思熟虑、坚韧和谨慎。 I first met Dhanabalan, or Dhana as he is popularly known, after I arrived in Singapore from New York to take up my post as dean of NUS Business School. It was October 2008, the global financial crisis had erupted and I was lecturing on the causes. 当我第一次见到丹那巴南或者“丹那”(大家都喜欢这么叫他)时,我刚刚从纽约来到新加坡,就任新加坡国立大学商学院(National University of Singapore Business School)院长的职务。当时是2008年10月,全球金融危机已经爆发,而我则在课堂上讲解危机的成因。 Dhana and I quickly connected around a shared understanding: the crisis was a wake-up call to the lack of accountability in the business world and an alarming decline in ethics. An emphasis purely on transactional value – on equating success with wealth – had, we felt, shifted the focus of business leaders away from the values of stewardship. 丹那和我因为一个共同的看法而很快熟悉起来:这场危机是一记警钟,提醒我们关注商界责任心缺失以及道德水准大幅下降的问题。我们都感到,单纯强调交易价值——即把成功与财富划上等号——已使商界领袖们的关注重点偏离了管理者工作的价值。 He and I share the view that the unethical, morally questionable or even illegal practices that came to light stem from a corporate culture that views actions through a simple cost-benefit perspective: is the expected benefit worth the possible cost, even if it is wrong? 他和我都认为,危机所暴露出的不符合职业道德、在道德上存在问题甚至非法的行为,源自单纯从成本收益的角度来审视员工行为的公司文化:预期收益是否足以覆盖可能发生的成本,即便行为本身是错误的? The pervasiveness of this attitude, we feel, is the greatest challenge to the credibility of the business community. As businesses educators, and with Dhana chairing our school’s management advisory board, we have a duty to awaken future leaders to their responsibility to society. 我们感到,这种态度的四处蔓延对于商界信誉构成了极大威胁。丹那也在我们学校的管理咨询委员会担任主席,作为商学院的教育者,我们感到有责任使未来的商界领袖清楚认识到他们所肩负的社会责任。 It is a responsibility that has been exemplified throughout Dhana’s career and practical application of the principles of servant leadership. Propelled by a strong values, in-depth understanding and a unique combination of humility and sharp judgment, Dhana is an advocate of doing things not purely for their transactional value or self-promotion but because they are right. 社会责任感在丹那的整个职业生涯、以及他对服务型领导原则的身体力行中,得到了充分展现。在强烈的价值感、对世事的深刻理解和以一种独特方式结合的谦逊以及敏锐判断力的驱使下,丹那提倡不要单纯为了交易价值或者自我晋升而做事,而是要因为这件事情本身是正当的。 A devout Christian, he has internalised principles of his faith, inspiring in those who work for and with him a passion to serve and create social value. He has earned respect for speaking out of conviction, rather than political correctness, and for putting serving people ahead of serving his career. 作为一名虔诚的基督徒,丹那已将自身信仰的准则内化,并在自己的下属和同事中,激起了为社会价值服务以及创造社会价值的热情。他讲话所遵循的是自己的信念而非政治正确性,看重为他人服务甚于自己的职业生涯,这为他赢得了尊敬。 During his time in government, he held a succession of senior ministerial roles, helping to shape Singapore through some of the key episodes in its development. He was a close associate of Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s first prime minister, who frequently referred to Dhana as one of his cabinet “heavyweights”. 在政府任职期间,丹那担任了一系列部长级的高级职务,在新加坡发展的关键时期为塑造新加坡发挥了作用。他曾是新加坡首任总理李光耀(Lee Kuan Yew)关系密切的同僚,李光耀常将丹那称为自己内阁的“重量级人物”之一。 In the late 1970s, Dhana accompanied Lee on an official visit to Beijing to meet Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping. It was a visit that began a close interconnection in the development paths of China and Singapore and, perhaps, helped kick-start Deng’s open-door policy – the results of which have reshaped the world. 二十世纪七十年代末期,丹那陪同李光耀赴北京进行了一次官方访问,并会见了当时的中国领导人邓小平。这次访问使中国和新加坡的发展道路紧密联系在了一起,或许对邓小平提出改革开放政策也起到了推波助澜的作用——而这一政策的结果改变了当今世界的格局。 Later, as head of Temasek, he steered the fund through a succession of international crises, at the same time more than tripling the value of its portfolio to more than S$215bn ($171bn) and transforming it into a globally admired model of accountability. A fellow board member described Dhana as having transformed a successful organisation into a significant one. 其后作为淡马锡的掌舵人,丹那带领这支基金挺过了一系列国际经济危机,与此同时使其投资组合规模增长超过两倍,突破了2150亿新加坡元(合1710亿美元),并将这支基金打造成了倍受全球尊敬的企业责任楷模。淡马锡的一位董事会成员对丹那的评价是,他将一家成功的机构转变为了一家伟大的机构。 As a business school, we believe in a need for business leaders to recognise that we hold and control resources not for personal gain but for the betterment of our communities. 作为商学院的教育者,我们认为有必要使商界领袖们认识到,我们掌控资源不是为了个人利益,而是为了改善我们身处的社会。 Many of those who are accepted into business school will go on to join the elite of society. They must not see their qualification as simply a leg-up, from which to extract the maximum for their own benefit. We have made it our mission to inculcate a moral and ethical framework across our teaching. This cannot be taught as a separate subject but must be an integral and universal theme. 在商学院录取的学员中,很多人都将步入社会的精英阶层。他们不应将自己的学历资质仅仅看作一种优势,借此最大限度地为自己谋利。我们对自身使命的认识是,在教学过程中反复倡导一种道德框架。这无法通过单独开设一门课程来传授,而必须成为贯穿整个教学过程的普遍主题。 In Asia, our growth path has reached a transition point – one that requires leadership committed to the principles of stewardship and accountability. As the region moves from government-led to business sector-led growth, the constraints of a limited pool of talented leaders will affect the way forward. 在亚洲,我们的发展路径已经到达了一个临界点——它要求领导者坚守管理准则并且具有责任感。随着亚洲地区从政府主导式增长向企业主导式增长转变,有才能的领导者人数有限将影响到我们的前进之路。 For Asia to enjoy continued and sustainable growth, we must encourage a two-way flow of leaders between government and business. To do so we need role models such as Dhana to lead and inspire. 为使亚洲继续享有可持续的经济增长,我们必须提倡政界和商界领袖的双向流动。为了实现这一点,我们需要像丹那这样的楷模,激励并引导我们前进。 Bernard Yeung is dean of the National University of Singapore Business School 本文作者杨贤(Bernard Yeung)是新加坡国立大学商学院院长 译者/马拉 相关文章 前世行行长佐利克加入淡马锡董事会 淡马锡连续第二年利润疲弱 淡马锡有意出售所持渣打银行股份 高盛向淡马锡出售部分中国工行股份 淡马锡新基金瞄准中国等北亚地区 相关话题 商学院 淡马锡 丹那巴南 读者评论 FT中文网欢迎读者发表评论,部分评论会被选进《读者有话说》栏目。我们保留编辑与出版的权利。 © 英国金融时报 有限公司 2013 FT中文网为英国金融时报的注册商标
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 08:17:22 +0000

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