Dear Mr Cameron ( Or who ever is really pulling the strings these - TopicsExpress


Dear Mr Cameron ( Or who ever is really pulling the strings these day) I write to you as i am currently confused with regards to a few serious issues. I was under the belief that the government was in place to act in the best interests of the people of this once great country. In recent years it seems focus has been on protecting the people at the very top of the chain and disregarding the good of the larger population. As the british people did not elect you into government can you please explain to me what gives you the right to drive this country into the ground? While I understand you may simply be a pawn in the bigger picture maybe you could pass this message onto those whom are truly in control. I would like to propose a resolution for the current issues in the UK. This is a proposition supported by the vast majority of the people you represent and a proposition that would benefit 99% of the population rather than the 1% at the top. If you and the current unelected government could please step down from power and hand this country back to the people. This would then give us an opportunity to rethink the current election process and put into place a government chosen by the people. The current trend of political parties taking "donations" also known as brides from the commercial sector would of course be banned in order to open up elections to other parties other than the current option A, B or C party choice we have had for many years now. Moving away from the current illusion of choice may not of course benefit you personally but it would show that you truly have the people in mind. Please remember while considering these requests that you infact should be working for the people, and working towards a greater future for our children. Should you choose to ignore such requests they will very quickly become demands and we will simply take back what is ours. Kind Regards Anonymous.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 09:59:35 +0000

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