Dear Parent, The things I am writing here may sound pretty new, - TopicsExpress


Dear Parent, The things I am writing here may sound pretty new, out of this world, not practical, and maybe even dangerous, but I will assure you of this: your youthful son or daughter desires one thing—an opportunity to ‘be’. They want to express their real ‘inner selves’, and not become a fake, a creation of the wishes of their parents or society. Young people want you to listen to their hearts, know their desires and take time to understand them. If you do this, they can trust you enough to tell you anything. That, I would imagine, is a very nice place to be as a parent. Do not shove doctrine down your child’s throat. Do not try to relive your life and project your unfulfilled dreams through them. That is very unfair and unjust. Do not make the assumption that they are not old enough to know what they want. They surely need your parental support and advice, but the last thing they need is a controlling parent that does not want to hear their opinion about a matter, especially a matter that has to do with their own future. Allow them to live their lives. Be supportive to their passions. If they tell you they love music, buy them an instrument and take them to music school. If they love football or rugby, go to the games and take interest in what they love. If they say they are not interested in a course, the last thing you want to do is give them ultimatums. Communicate with them, and hear them out. There are no words to express the contribution you will be making to their self-esteem and confidence which, in my opinion, is more vital in life than getting an ‘A’ in Mathematics or Literature. Allow your child to express themselves. Allow them to be the unique beings that God has created them to be. In so doing you will give them a platform to excel beyond your wildest dreams at whatever they do. I THOUGHT THIS IS WORTHY SHARING WITH U FELLOW PARENTS AND THE YET TO BE
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 10:54:25 +0000

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