Dear Supremest and Most Exalted Protector of Islam and the Kingdom - TopicsExpress


Dear Supremest and Most Exalted Protector of Islam and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and kawasan-kawasan yang sewaktu, Gaza is at war. No, I mean, Gaza is being whallopped to smithereens. Old men, women and children are being mercilessly maimed. And you are busy being at war against women not covering up their body like ninjas and against women who wish to drive. Please go to the real war and help the Muslims whom you had proudly declared as your protectorate. Oh...sorry...I forgot...the USofA doesnt allow you to do so. By the way, the Sunnis are slaughtering the Shiites in Syria and Iraq. And elsewhere. And the Shiites are doing likewise to the Sunnis. All in the name of God and Islam. And back home over here, JAKIM, PAS, ISMA, PERKASA et al are running amok about Hudud, halal toothpaste and about protecting our aQidah, God, the Quran, the Arab words, Islam yada yadi doo. Why dont you all pack up and go to the real war zone and bloody PROTECT SOME HEPLESS MUSLIMS FROM BEING KILLED? Please.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 04:07:41 +0000

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