Dear all, A Sahaj Samadhi Meditation course is coming up on - TopicsExpress


Dear all, A Sahaj Samadhi Meditation course is coming up on 23rd-25th July at Sungai Nibong Center, Penang. Kindly make time for this great meditation course and go deep into your Self ; where you will find peace, joy , love and the source of all Beings ! Time : 7-10 pm evening (Tuesday-Thursday) Fees : RM250 (new participants) RM50 (repeaters) For more details , please contact : Anelia at 019-4108665. Sahaj Samadhi Meditation The Art of Meditation (AOM) is a powerful yet effortless technique that allows the conscious mind to experience the silent depths of its own nature. AOM is also known as Sahaj Samadhi. Sahaj, in Sanskrit, means effortless and Samadhi is the silent yet lively state of awareness that lies at the source of thought – a state beyond waking, sleeping and dreaming that is an unlimited reservoir of energy, intelligence and creative power and a place of infinite peace and tranquility. During your AOM practice the mind effortlessly experiences this state of Samadhi. Upon finishing your meditation you will find that you feel infused with these qualities of energy, clarity, creativity and perhaps most importantly, deep inner peace. Easy to Learn AOM is a simple mental practice that can be easily learned by anyone who can think a thought. With only two 20-minute daily sessions AOM brings profound transformation to your life. If you’re thinking: “But I don’t have 20 minutes twice a day!” No need to worry. The improved clarity of mind AOM brings will augment your efficiency manifold resulting in increased productivity and accomplishment with much less wasted effort. 自然三摩地静心 Sahaj意味着自然、不费力,Samadhi意指深度的静心。自然三摩地静心正是如此,一种自然、不费力的静心系统,让意识深深地沉潜入本我,获得所需的深度休息。 当我们紧张,或不能专注在手头所进行的工作时,经常是因为许多杂念萦绕心头。当心智宁定下来,所有的紧张和压力都会被释放,心念就能专注在当下。自然三摩地静心课程教导你更了解心智的状态,使你能放松、获得休息、并更专注集中。 自然三摩地静心法是种非常简单、令人享受、可以日常规律练习的方法 - 可以在家自己练习这个静心法。 Jai Gurudev!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 10:52:05 +0000

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