Dear millennials: The boomer generation inherited a destroyed - TopicsExpress


Dear millennials: The boomer generation inherited a destroyed world... and rebuilt it. Without computers, without robots, without the internet. That generation built airplanes and shrunk the world, and put man on the moon using nothing but brainpower. They built the societies you woosies live in. Your generation got a full plate: parents took you to school, mom prepared you breakfast, dad bought you a cellphone and paid for it, your parents had to figure out how to get you brats the latest iPhone cause all cool kids had one. So grow up already. Nobody is to blame for your laziness and lack of creativity. Youre unemployed cause you cant even spell let alone write code. Dont for a minute think that kids living in shacks in China and India had it better of than you in your cozy suburb houses. And dont talk about debt with a credit card in your pocket long before you even made buck. Boomers generated some $20k till their 18th birthday while you millenials generate about $70k in expenses for your parents till you turn 18. Look at the third world countries and see how much your contemporaries there are hard at work either on their science degrees or building their business while you whine about inequality and debt, while barely working on your liberal arts degree, taking half-drunk, half-naked selfies with a $400 phone your dad bought. No, the world doesnt owe you anything. No, employers dont have to allow you to take your pet at work, cause its a job, not animal daycare center. If you cant manage to own a pet, dont own one and expect everybody else to tolerate your nonsense. No, we dont have to give you time to find yourself in the workplace. You either be productive or go look for yourself on your own free time. The world doesnt revolve around your confused outlook to moral no-brainers and we dont have to pretend everythings ok just because you cant stomach reality. Lastly, life isnt difficult, unfair or whatever. Stop playing a victim. Life is just life, so you either shape up and live it to the max, or shut up.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 19:14:04 +0000

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