Death will happen whenever and wherever Allah has decreed In - TopicsExpress


Death will happen whenever and wherever Allah has decreed In Riyadh: It is said that there was a construction that fell down from the seventh floor. He fell on solid concrete. Passersby were amazed to see that he stood up He jumped up, happy that Allah didn’t take his life. People were amazed. He was so happy that he told everyone, “I’m going to buy you some drinks.” He was crossing the street, disoriented, and a car hit him and killed him. Why didn’t he die from the seventh story? Allah had appointed for him a specific spot and a specific time of day. Allah wanted to bring him to his place of death. Now, this man, when he stood up, he thought that he was given a long life. The last thought on his mind was that he would die in the next moment. If he was saved from that death, then he must have a long life ahead of him. There was an earthquake in Egypt. There was a man who survived for a very long period of time. They thought that no one could be saved in the rubble. They were amazed to find a man to be living, even though all of the means of dying existed. It wasn’t time for him to die. There were two female relatives with him. They both died because of the unbearable conditions. It was not time for it. There were two air planes that collided over India – it was a head on collision. They hit each other with a combined speed of 1600 miles per hour. Look at accidents on the freeway – how quickly a person can drive going 60 mph. This death was in a split second. There could have been a person who was lifting food to his mouth and before he could take the bite he died. Sometimes death comes so suddenly that you don’t have time to prepare for it. Lets Prepare for Death.....
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 03:00:00 +0000

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