December 9, 2014 Moment of grace 2nd Advent Week – PEACE – - TopicsExpress


December 9, 2014 Moment of grace 2nd Advent Week – PEACE – Part 2 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 NIV The world is a dangerous place. Wars and turmoil are the daily news headlines just about every day. The list of missing people grows every day! We such changing times we need solid faith. The Lord sends Holy Spirit Peace in the midst of these difficult times. Once I was on a mission trip in Cuba. A gentleman pulled up at the home I was staying and asked to speak to the American! Everyone was concerned for it was illegal to be staying with the people and preaching the gospel without permission from the State of Cuba. After a few minutes I was introduced to the gentleman who explained that his aunt, a Baptist Pastor’s wife, needed an American to sign papers for your to get documentation to leave Cuba for the USA. I agreed to go to Havana and pay the $200.00 exit visa fee and sign the USA endorsement. Now the question that came to my mind was- What was the likelihood of a USA citizen to be in the little town of Cordoro? What likelihood would he have $200.00 US? God had a plan. My being available brought tears of joy to the pastor and his wife who wanted to travel. On the ride back from Havana with the exit visa in her hand she wept and praised God openly! She was filled with peace! I was filled with utter amazement – God had brought me there for a miracle of peace! What about you today? Do you have a story where God used you to bring peace to a situation? Watch how God is going to use you today. You could be an answer of peace in someone’s worldly trouble! PRAYER: Father God, thank You for being the Prince of Peace in my life! Thank You for producing peace through my life for others! Your love and plan for me is so amazing! In Jesus Name I give praise and adoration! Amen! Moment of Grace Video: Peace- I Give You Peace- Jason Upton
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 03:24:42 +0000

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